Had the Fink made the arm of the catapult longer and farther away from the wall, the payload may have cleared the top of it as the arc of the trajectory would have been higher.
To all those saying “move it back some”, that wouldn’t help at all. The arm ends in a vertical position, meaning the projectile would always go straight out horizontally (actually, it’d curve downwards but the curve would start with a zero-vertical vector.) You need to have the arm stop when it’s approx a 45-degree angle leaning backwards to get the most range (that, of course, discounts any angular acceleration it may still be making at the time. So maybe about 35-40 degrees before the vertical may wind up with more range. But anything before the 45 would give more height but less horizontal range.)
littlejohn Premium Member almost 5 years ago
But at least you got a “hole in one”.
Leojim almost 5 years ago
No you fool, you built the trebuchet to short!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 5 years ago
Give it a high arc next time.
Oh, and your walls are too thin.
VincentGoudreault almost 5 years ago
Why is it “fire” when no fire is involved? Shouldn’t it be “launch”?
Bryan Farht almost 5 years ago
I still think it’s China’s fault for sending a catapult that’s too small. Wasn’t the “m” for the millions of people who would fall at impact? /s
kenshively almost 5 years ago
Back it up about 4 meters and it should clear the wall…
rshive almost 5 years ago
And it leaves a hole just big enough for a Hun to crawl through.
Milady Meg almost 5 years ago
Listen to the science, shorty.
Troglodyte almost 5 years ago
Back to the firing range…
jagedlo almost 5 years ago
You figured that someone would have had the sense to test this out BEFORE the war started!
Zebrastripes almost 5 years ago
Somethings gotta give….wooooosh
DaveQuinn almost 5 years ago
Had the Fink made the arm of the catapult longer and farther away from the wall, the payload may have cleared the top of it as the arc of the trajectory would have been higher.
Pohka almost 5 years ago
Build a platform for the catapult. And rather than using an onager a trebuchet would clear your wall, have better range, and faster reload time.
donwestonmysteries almost 5 years ago
Back it up 30 feet.
prabbit237 almost 5 years ago
To all those saying “move it back some”, that wouldn’t help at all. The arm ends in a vertical position, meaning the projectile would always go straight out horizontally (actually, it’d curve downwards but the curve would start with a zero-vertical vector.) You need to have the arm stop when it’s approx a 45-degree angle leaning backwards to get the most range (that, of course, discounts any angular acceleration it may still be making at the time. So maybe about 35-40 degrees before the vertical may wind up with more range. But anything before the 45 would give more height but less horizontal range.)
WCraft Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Well, now that you have a projectile window, you can start using “live” ammunition: cows and peasants.
Airbender almost 5 years ago
Next time, don’t use the " Toulouse-Lautrec" model.
Charlie Fogwhistle almost 5 years ago
The next round should achieve greater velocity and a longer range.
BlueKnight1966 almost 5 years ago
Poorly chosen angle of launch. Even a half decent engineer could have worked that out.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 almost 5 years ago
Maybe if you just move a little further back from the wall.
krisannr.thompson almost 5 years ago
This is not a time to sacrifice ROCKS on OUR Gddess (called Mother Earth) that people need to give a CRAP about?