Off the Mark by Mark Parisi for April 11, 2020

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    Farside99  almost 5 years ago

    Plus, it gives him incredibly bad gas.

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    mddshubby2005  almost 5 years ago

    I hope those weren’t the plastic kind…

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    Aussie Down Under  almost 5 years ago

    Trip to the vet is coming right up.

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    Scorpio Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Isn’t chocolate poisonous to dogs? An interesting joke, but the consequences aren’t funny.

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    J Quest  almost 5 years ago

    The truffle pig conundrum…

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    dflak  almost 5 years ago

    Dirty ole egg-sucking dog.

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    Zebrastripes  almost 5 years ago

    It’s not always cracked up to be what you may think…

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    JaneCl  almost 5 years ago

    A friend whose dog ate a whole chocolate cake and had no ill effects.

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    Norris66  almost 5 years ago

    Bird Feathers? lol

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    33Angel  almost 5 years ago

    This is funny!!!

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    GreenT267  almost 5 years ago

    It’s called theobromine poisoning. The danger depends on the type of chocolate (dark chocolates have more theobromine than milk chocolate), the amount consumed, and your dog’s size. In large enough amounts, chocolate and cocoa products can be lethal. While we humans easily and greedily metabolize it, dogs process it much more slowly, so it can build up to toxic levels in their system.A large dog can consume more chocolate than a small dog before suffering ill effects. A small amount of chocolate will probably only give your dog an upset stomach with vomiting or diarrhea. But larger amounts can produce muscle tremors, seizures, an irregular heartbeat, internal bleeding or a heart attack. The onset of theobromine poisoning is usually marked by severe hyperactivity.The usual treatment is to induce vomiting within two hours of ingestion. If you are think that your dog may have eaten a large quantity of chocolate and they are showing any of the signs listed above, please call your veterinarian immediately. [information from]

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    Mark Parisi creator almost 5 years ago

    To remove all doubt, eggs, meaning eggs.

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    zeexenon  almost 5 years ago

    Coloring is known to cause mange in California.

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    stamets  almost 5 years ago

    The labrador in the picture was Gracie. We could not hide eggs in the yard for the grandchildren to find because Gracie would gather them and put them in her food bowl.

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    oldlady07 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Our old golden retriever was a free range country dog who loved to forage for treats. At long last we fenced the yard after he ate things like an old boot from a neighbor’s trash that led to an expensive vet visit. He was disappointed in us, but we explained that it was in his best interest.

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    AndrewSihler  almost 5 years ago

    Reminds one a little of the French use of dogs and pigs to locate truffles. Pigs are better at it, but dogs don’t try to eat the truffles. (I’m surprised that a dog would think of an egg in the shell as “food”, actually.)

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