Hey, Frazz, she’s saying that she’s been having a rough time, and used a metaphor. She wasn’t asking for a speech about TV, in fact she wasn’t talking about TV at all.
Typical sermon from Frazz that‘s off topic. With 1500 channels, you can waste an afternoon without finding anything to watch. Back when I had three choices, the decision to do something else came quicker.
Panel 2 is very hard to read; difficult to determine who’s speaking with overlapping balloons and only one tail. Clarity in storytelling is also a choice to think.
Frazz19 hrs · It’s been interesting to watch the coronavirus acknowledgements trickle into the comics. Today is the first that it’s really hitting Frazz, but others were onto it as much as a couple weeks ago, which I suppose gives me a little bit of comfort that, as much as I’d like to have my deadlines under better control, with a little bit of a cushion, I’ve apparently got it together a little better than some of my peers. It really has been a rough spring. And if we want to go comparing again, I’ve got it so much easier than most. I hope I can give people a little bit of a respite from the stress each day. It’s not like I’m a health care worker or work in a grocery store, but I sure hope I can do something.,
rekam Premium Member almost 5 years ago
She wants choices but she doesn’t want to think. Hmm…
Concretionist almost 5 years ago
Please tell me she forgets to vote…
mddshubby2005 almost 5 years ago
Oxymoronic, or just moronic? What a choice!
jpayne4040 almost 5 years ago
Ironically, I think she summed up much of humanity perfectly!
sandpiper almost 5 years ago
Let’s hear it for the electorate!!
Ignatz Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Hey, Frazz, she’s saying that she’s been having a rough time, and used a metaphor. She wasn’t asking for a speech about TV, in fact she wasn’t talking about TV at all.
Old Girl almost 5 years ago
Typical sermon from Frazz that‘s off topic. With 1500 channels, you can waste an afternoon without finding anything to watch. Back when I had three choices, the decision to do something else came quicker.
She would really like a redo on the recent past.
lagoulou almost 5 years ago
Too many choices is stressful…
cervelo almost 5 years ago
To lagoulou’s point and very much in line with today’s strip, a very insightful and funny Ted Talk by Barry Schwartz.
Take a few minutes, it’s very good (don’t want to raise your expectations too much…:)
rk almost 5 years ago
Freedom of choice, is what you got.Freedom from choice, is what you want.
Bruce1253 almost 5 years ago
TV gave us an unthinking electorate with the attention span of a gnat, and that gave us what we have today.
Flossie Mud Duck almost 5 years ago
You mean before monthly phone, wifi and cable cost $200?
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Panel 2 is very hard to read; difficult to determine who’s speaking with overlapping balloons and only one tail. Clarity in storytelling is also a choice to think.
whelan_jj almost 5 years ago
Reruns like in the summertime when there were only 3 networks and you got whatever they put over the air (yeah, real wireless).
asrialfeeple almost 5 years ago
I’m not taking this into politics.
cosman almost 5 years ago
Hate getting a case of choice freeze.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 5 years ago
Jef Mallett’s Blog Posts
Frazz19 hrs · It’s been interesting to watch the coronavirus acknowledgements trickle into the comics. Today is the first that it’s really hitting Frazz, but others were onto it as much as a couple weeks ago, which I suppose gives me a little bit of comfort that, as much as I’d like to have my deadlines under better control, with a little bit of a cushion, I’ve apparently got it together a little better than some of my peers. It really has been a rough spring. And if we want to go comparing again, I’ve got it so much easier than most. I hope I can give people a little bit of a respite from the stress each day. It’s not like I’m a health care worker or work in a grocery store, but I sure hope I can do something.,