There’s $200,000 in a Los Angeles safety-deposit box that mobster Willis Trent would like to have, so he gets two-timing, double-dealing Flo Randall to get the box number for him. He offers locksmith Tommy Dancer $5,000 to make the key but Tommy refuses. Trent threatens to harm Tommy’s girl friend, Betty Turner, and Tommy gives in and goes to the bank. In a few nerve-racking minutes, Tommy makes the key and pockets the $200,000 for himself. Trent sends word that he has kidnapped Betty and the ransom is $200,000.
My initial impression was that the robbers took the box but left the contents behind. It doesn’t make any sense, but neither do anybody else’s explanations.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Hope his money is still under his mattress!
S_T_F_U almost 14 years ago
Is that Charlie Brown’s sweater?
Ray_C almost 14 years ago
I hate to admit that I don’t understand a comic, but this time I have to admit: I don’t understand this comic.
Digital Frog almost 14 years ago
Same here Ray C - this one’s over my head too.
ilsapadu almost 14 years ago
I don’t get it either but it’s not like I didn’t learn anything- at least now I know it’s a safe deposit box!
Leshka almost 14 years ago
Actually the terms “safe” and “safety” are interchangeable. Otherwise, I’m at a loss.
ComicCrawler almost 14 years ago
I have to agree with some of the people on here, I do not get this one.
As for the terms, I believe the official term is safe deposit, but you can use safety deposit, at the risk of looking foolish.
junco49 almost 14 years ago
Goggling “Willis” + “deposit box” yielded this:
‘56 movie called “The Man in The Vault”
The Story Line
There’s $200,000 in a Los Angeles safety-deposit box that mobster Willis Trent would like to have, so he gets two-timing, double-dealing Flo Randall to get the box number for him. He offers locksmith Tommy Dancer $5,000 to make the key but Tommy refuses. Trent threatens to harm Tommy’s girl friend, Betty Turner, and Tommy gives in and goes to the bank. In a few nerve-racking minutes, Tommy makes the key and pockets the $200,000 for himself. Trent sends word that he has kidnapped Betty and the ransom is $200,000.
The exec should have addressed him as Mr. Trent.
Or maybe this is a totally false lead.
pierreandnicole almost 14 years ago
I think this refers to Bruce Willis….if not then I too am at a loss today.
fritzoid Premium Member almost 14 years ago
My initial impression was that the robbers took the box but left the contents behind. It doesn’t make any sense, but neither do anybody else’s explanations.
pschearer Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Well, it seemed funny when they wrote it.
lin4869 almost 14 years ago
I dont’ know…but the humor seems to me to be that the robbers took the safety deposit box, which should have been safe?
danielse almost 14 years ago
FWIW, my take was that the bank somehow mislaid or lost the deposit box, and are covering it up by saying it was ‘stolen’.