Sorry, Mr. Wigglesworth, but while you may have a monsterous appearance (at least in a world ruled by humans), you most certainly aren’t a monster. Although you have technically lied to Vesper (and Morbus and Hester) for over a year, which can be attributed to Ivan instructions, you have been more honest than Offal. Offal’s a minor monster, at least as far as I’m concerned what with his lieing to Vesper, cheating on her, and trying to steal the town’s riches back in december (and talking Morbus into going along with him in doing so). Medusa Nazi’s a much bigger monster than you ever were. And as Ivan wanted to enslave you (he would have found ways to extend his terms if it weren’t for Olwen) and has decided to dabble in things he doesn’t understand, he’s a bit of a monster at the moment.
I don’t see a problem here. But then, when the Beauty and the Beast TV show debuted years ago, my first comment was “he’s not a beast, he’s a giant kitty!” ♥️
Laurie Sefton Premium Member over 4 years ago
For Vesper, this is a serious upgrade in the boyfriend department!
Strob over 4 years ago
That’s layin’ it all on the line! When it works, there’s nothing better in life.
jamesamber29 over 4 years ago
I don’t think it is.
danketaz Premium Member over 4 years ago
You had her at disgraced.
ChristineFoxdale over 4 years ago
He’s not a monster, he just looks a bit different. I don’t think Vesper’s going to have a problem with that.
Ida No over 4 years ago
Vesper: “Meh. Compared to Offal, this is just a step sideways. Besides, I now have someone to carry all my bags when I go shopping!”
StackableContainers over 4 years ago
I was expecting a longer period of Vesper being upset about the deception and stuff. Kind of glad it looks like that will be skipped.
SunflowerGirl100 over 4 years ago
I was wrong when I dreaded her reaction!!! So glad I was wrong. She looks happy in the last panel.
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
I’ve lost many a woman to a “monster”, probably “missed a bullet”. :)
elizabethvshaffer over 4 years ago
“No problem! Did I mention that you’re literally the man of my dreams?”
willie_mctell over 4 years ago
Monster hasn’t been a barrier before. This one has the feral notched ear.
MarieAntoon over 4 years ago
Am I the only one who hears Ron Perlman’s voice when he talks, or is that my old “Beauty and the Beast” fandom kicking in?
jwarrenphd over 4 years ago
Mr. Wigglesworth is such a sweet guy!
knight1192a over 4 years ago
Sorry, Mr. Wigglesworth, but while you may have a monsterous appearance (at least in a world ruled by humans), you most certainly aren’t a monster. Although you have technically lied to Vesper (and Morbus and Hester) for over a year, which can be attributed to Ivan instructions, you have been more honest than Offal. Offal’s a minor monster, at least as far as I’m concerned what with his lieing to Vesper, cheating on her, and trying to steal the town’s riches back in december (and talking Morbus into going along with him in doing so). Medusa Nazi’s a much bigger monster than you ever were. And as Ivan wanted to enslave you (he would have found ways to extend his terms if it weren’t for Olwen) and has decided to dabble in things he doesn’t understand, he’s a bit of a monster at the moment.
Sue Ellen over 4 years ago
I find it interesting that Georgia drew him with the notched ear long before her most recent adopted cat, Goldie, appeared—with a notched ear.
notinksanymore over 4 years ago
Wigglesworth and I have a very different definition of the word “monster.”
szanwil2 over 4 years ago
I think Vesper is thinking, " be still my beating heart"! After all, he is the man of her dreams.
Khatkhattu Premium Member over 4 years ago
“Well, nobody is perfect.” Joe E. Brown to Jack Lemmon in Some Like It Hot.
surrealer Premium Member over 4 years ago
That look on Vesper’s face says “Oh, sweet mystery of life, at last I’ve found you!”
Erin Pierce over 4 years ago
“You keep using that word, ‘monster.’ It doesn’t mean what you think it means.” (h/t to the late, great Rob Reiner’s The Princess Bride)
Catmom over 4 years ago
I don’t see a problem here. But then, when the Beauty and the Beast TV show debuted years ago, my first comment was “he’s not a beast, he’s a giant kitty!” ♥️