Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for June 13, 2020

  1. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 4 years ago

    The question is …

    … for how long? ✨
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  2. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 4 years ago

    Good morning™, everyone!

    Tracy isn’t too happy to hear this news, but that’s exactly why he’s not planning a visit to the set. (Nice house, by the way.)

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  3. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  over 4 years ago

    Good morning™, trouble avoiders !

    If Tracy were a rogue cop, so in vogue in movies and tv these days, he would run right over there for a deadly to Shaky confrontation and take the company issue shotgun along for a sure no-miss shot, this time.

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  4. Picture
    DaleMcNamee  over 4 years ago

    I think that Tracy is still “hacked off” at Shaky over Tess’ shooting and might not want to spook Shaky and Fortuna by him being seen… ( Let things play out and Shaky and Fortuna think they are not being watched… I don’t know if Shaky saw Sam during the crane shoot out and could “make” Sam… )

    Also, being seen as harassing a star doesn’t look good…

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  5. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 4 years ago


    We were discussing Ray Toler’s character in Home Alone, “Uncle Rob,” most of whose scenes were cut. In the released film, it’s almost impossible to see him anywhere other than in the background of one scene decorating the Christmas tree. One deleted scene of Uncle Rob and his family has been released. It starts at 3:13 and goes to 4:00. He’s the guy with the glasses:


    Also, here is a whole video about Uncle Rob. It seems from the dialogue that Uncle Rob paid for the entire McCallister family to fly to Paris to visit him. Of course, Rob’s empty house in New York being renovated was the setting for Home Alone 2 in which we never saw Uncle Rob.


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  6. 3c5489f7 fee3 4df6 aca6 bff93749dc57
    artsyguy65  over 4 years ago

    If it’s got the horsepower, that’s one big-boss pursuit car that Sam’s driving. Wide tires like that boost acceleration, handling, and cornering. Are we gonna see a chase? Oh please, please, puh-leeeeeze, can we have a chase? Maybe Fortuna and Shaky in that convertible we first saw her in…

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  7. Tracy
    coratelli  over 4 years ago

    Tracy is a quiet man.

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  8. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Ok, everyone BOOKMARK this page! We need it so when the next time comes around and we see Tracy’s house from the INSIDE we can match it up with how it looks from the OUTSIDE.

    I don’t see any restaurant doors and windows, for one thing. Just what looks like one big parking lot in front of the house.

    Of course, maybe that’s a wall, going around the first level. No windows?

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  9. Mark
    z12332190  over 4 years ago

    The comely and delectable Edison is standing in the all you can eat buffet line again, eyeing the Jello salad with celery and carrot chunks suspended in it for dessert. Shaky wisely compromised with the dinner that he promised her. Instead of going to McDonald’s, he took her to an all you can eat buffet joint with the Florida style 4:00 PM blue plate special and bottomless cups of joe. He also liked the fact that there were no yappy waitresses moaning about how lonely they’e been since their husbands went off to the hoosegow and slammer. Normally he’d have to have splurged sixteen bucks for the two of them, but he always travels with a couple of cockroaches trapped in a pill bottle for occasions like this. He found them a lot easier to carry and drop than mice.

    Tracy and Sam are busily coordinating their next moves. When Sam first called, Tracy confused him with another friend, Sam Ketchup. He was expecting Sam Ketchup’s call because Sam K. was trying to organize a golf game with Colonel Mustard and Sergeant Pepper. After hearing Sam C’s news, Tracy settles in to binge watch James Cagney movies. Tess puts on her June Cleaver pearls and white gloves and starts to house clean, starting with all of the empty bullet casings that Tracy keeps dropping.

    All is momentarily pleasant in Tracyville.

    And so it goes, by gar, by gar…

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  10. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  over 4 years ago

    For those who are tiring of this mystery turned soap opera, you might want to check out Luann, where the soap opera just turned into a mystery.

    Much more of a mystery than whatever is going on here.

    Except, maybe, after so many days of inaction, did Groovy Kinda take Edison back to her home strip? It has been a few days since we’ve seen her – and she was all that was going on in this strip for weeks now.

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  11. Unnamed
    Another Take  over 4 years ago




    TESS: Bologna ok for dinner? DT: Sure…
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  12. Missing large
    buckman-j  over 4 years ago

    Neil needs a real job. I agree on Luann BTW. The plot thickens, unlike here

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  13. Tinyhappyclownman 1
    GroovyKinda  over 4 years ago

    I love Tess’ pensive expression. The man who harassed and shot her is running around free.

    What is she feeling? Anger? Resentment? How is she going to respond to Tracy saying they’ll avoid that part of town?

    Tracy’s the kind of guy who would rush over and make things very clear to Shaky. I think he’s saying this for Tess’ sake. And I don’t think she’ll like it.

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  14. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 4 years ago

    I kinda think Tess (panel 3) does not much appreciate Tracy’s protective remark, which seems to her rather condescending and even belittling. She might just be spurred by it specifically to seek out Shaky Mk.2, though her motivation would be somewhat unclear (“revenge” would not be right, and “arrest” is not an option at this point; she needs to avoid “harassment” and civil suit!).

    In any case, I expect that Tracy will not be lounging around in his spectacular mansion much longer (does he have his home in the suburbs of Tracyville rather than in town, or is it in a very upscale urban neighborhood?)….

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