I’m never lost when I’m on vacation. I’m where I’m meant to be at that moment. Now, I have traveled, and thankfully not often, with people that freak out if you miss or take the wrong exit/turn. As long as I’m headed in the right direction, and no where near my destination, I prefer to keep going and see what I can see. They tend to freak out. That is until you see something cool before finding your way back to the highway you were headed for. Cool being a relative term, one time it was the giant Superman in Metropolis, IL. Wouldn’t have seen that if we had turned back to go another way. The diversion didn’t even take us that far out of our way. Relax, you are on vacation.
Egrayjames over 4 years ago
You’re never lost Horace…..No matter where you go, “There you are!”
Zebrastripes over 4 years ago
A typical guy….afraid to ask for directions….LOL
hansa15 over 4 years ago
Love the view though…..
InTraining Premium Member over 4 years ago
thus Horace proves he is outstanding in his field…!
vics_machine Premium Member over 4 years ago
Some of my best adventures (and memories) have come from a lack of GPS or map.
mi_sbs over 4 years ago
This is why I had to get a smartphone with GPS when they came out
Alberta Oil over 4 years ago
Be lucky.. if it’s only a mile. There are stories about being lost for 40 years because they didn’t ask for directions.
bopard over 4 years ago
I shall admit this with a sigh many years from hense, 2 roads diverged in the woods and I took…
Mighty Phavahg over 4 years ago
If you don’t care where you are, you ain’t lost.
GiantShetlandPony over 4 years ago
I’m never lost when I’m on vacation. I’m where I’m meant to be at that moment. Now, I have traveled, and thankfully not often, with people that freak out if you miss or take the wrong exit/turn. As long as I’m headed in the right direction, and no where near my destination, I prefer to keep going and see what I can see. They tend to freak out. That is until you see something cool before finding your way back to the highway you were headed for. Cool being a relative term, one time it was the giant Superman in Metropolis, IL. Wouldn’t have seen that if we had turned back to go another way. The diversion didn’t even take us that far out of our way. Relax, you are on vacation.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 4 years ago
Houyhnhnms rarely get lost.
Stephen Gilberg over 4 years ago
I thought Horace was too lazy to walk a mile.
R.U. Kidding over 4 years ago
Guy goes to his doctor and asks how he can get in shape.
Doctor says, “Start by walking a mile a day. Then call me in a week.”
A week later the guy calls the doctor and says, “Hey, Doc, I’m seven miles from home. What do I do now?”
tony_n_jen2003 over 4 years ago
You drive to the Slauson Cutoff, get out of your car, cut off your Slauson, get back in your car
stillfickled Premium Member over 4 years ago
Just follow your nose.
Coach The Most Fluffy Dog!! over 4 years ago