Speed Bump by Dave Coverly for June 29, 2020

  1. Wb
    mwksix  over 4 years ago

    Actually, I’m contemplating global domination!

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  2. Crazyforkedindianpalmsquirrel max 1mb
    B UTTONS  over 4 years ago

    Neither. My hands are stuck.

    I mistaken the Gorilla Glue for the hand sanitizer.

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  3. Don martin 1
    Farside99  over 4 years ago

    When it goes on for hours, it’s no longer just sanitizing.

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  4. Jcimg
    juncarlo  over 4 years ago

    She will worry when he lets out an evil laugh.

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  5. Donna
    stillfickled Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I went to my doctor’s office the other day and before I went in i had my temp taken. Then I had to use their hand sanitizer and boy did it stink!

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    awgiedawgie Premium Member over 4 years ago

    He’s probably not certain himself any more.

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    jpayne4040  over 4 years ago

    At this point, I’d bet on the second one!

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    cdward  over 4 years ago


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    dflak  over 4 years ago

    I never really paid much attention to hand sanitizer. I would wash my hands when I got home or whenever I used the rest room. Out and about during the day I really did not pay attention.

    Now it is different. I do not leave home without it. Fortunately, my wife always gave me hand sanitizer as a stocking stuffer art Christmas, so I have a about a half-dozen personal sized bottles that I can refill from the big bottle.

    I have on in the notch on the armrest of my car. When I can, I leave the window open and upon returning to the car, reach in and grab it and sanitize my hands. I don’t think I’ve touched my car with contaminated hands yet.

    However, it is a weird sensation using this bottle. If the car has been in the sun, the temperature is 150 degrees, then as it rapidly evaporates it cools down dramatically.

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  10. Irish  1
    Zen-of-Zinfandel  over 4 years ago

    He gets that from watching reruns of Monk.

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    jeover48  over 4 years ago

    I’ll tell ,only if you let me know what today is!

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    the lost wizard  over 4 years ago

    It’s either this or your neck. It’s been too long.

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    Zebrastripes  over 4 years ago


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    KEA  over 4 years ago

    Why not both?

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  15. Hat large square
    Cactus-Pete  over 4 years ago

    Uh, did he just squirt sanitizer on his hands? Does he even have sanitizer with him?

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    katzenbooks45  over 4 years ago

    “Excellent!” – Montgomery Burns

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  17. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 4 years ago

    I used to have a similar problem with the people who just walked along talking to nobody and not holding an obvious phone: Crazy or Blue Tooth? (It’s still not obvious, but the odds of it being Blue Tooth have gotten so much larger that I’m okay with it).

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