Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for July 24, 2020

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 4 years ago

    Whatever is necessary.

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    Jesy Bertz Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Way to go, Arlo. I sense a chill from Janis.

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    nosirrom  over 4 years ago

    Janis, is it so hot that you put on just your most summery PJ’s?

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    cabalonrye  over 4 years ago

    Honest question from a non American, why do you put the AC so low when it is so hot outside. For the night 75F is still quite confortable as long as you put on light pj and light blanket. And during the day when we visited the constant hot/freezing/hot as you go in and out was unpleasant. Is hat a cultural habit?

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  5. Elopuck
    MRBLUESKY529  over 4 years ago

    For Arlo, the heat is already turned up.

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  6. Axe grinder
    axe-grinder  over 4 years ago

    What’s with Arlo? He’s missing something important here!

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    William Bednar Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Come on, Arlo, you can find ways to turn up the temperature that that.

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    Egrayjames  over 4 years ago

    I think Arlo has the right idea. Turn the temperature up a few more degrees and Janis will come out of those summery pjs and into some nice lingerie ….or nothing at all!:-)

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    mjjk1985  over 4 years ago

    Some of us, mostly women, totally agree with you. If I have to put on a sweater to watch tv, it’s too cold!

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    david_42  over 4 years ago

    At 75F, I’m already sweating, cab. Not a problem during the day, but I don’t need that at night.

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    Michael G.  over 4 years ago

    Pretend it’s Xmas! Unwrap each other!

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    Milady Meg  over 4 years ago

    To, um, save electricity. Right, Arlo?

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  13. Grumpy bear by capsicum
    DDrazen  over 4 years ago

    There is no normal when it comes to setting the thermostat.

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    DavidReynolds  over 4 years ago

    It is the humidity that is the problem. I am a science teacher.

    Minneapolis, MN. Last weekend-the temp was 90F and the Dew point was 80F. So it was 110 on your skin. The water vapor was so thick-the sweat does not evaporate off of you and makes you feel hotter. I call it a sweat blanket.

    AC is a savior for that.

    But no worries-In another few months-we could have snow.

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  15. Tyge
    Tyge  over 4 years ago

    I can’t believe Arlo missed that opportunity! He’s really slipping. Although the invitation to wear even less bodes well for the future. Hmmmm… Immediate vs. delayed gratification? What’s a fella to do???

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    andyboda  over 4 years ago

    Why is Arlo saying anything that would move Janis away from light and thin summer PJ’s?

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    Plods with ...â„¢  over 4 years ago


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    bilbrlsn  over 4 years ago

    I set it to whatever temp gets her out of that nighty.

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    jonesbeltone  over 4 years ago

    She is a goddess in PJ’s.

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  20. Tulips
    locake  over 4 years ago

    PJ are Pajamas. Janis is wearing a nightgown or nightie.

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    locake  over 4 years ago

    I live in FL but I can’t sleep with the A/C turning on and off all night. It is too noisy to sleep. I turn the A/C low before bed time and I am fine until morning.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Dirty minded old man. :)

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    mafastore  over 4 years ago

    We have separate ac units in each bedroom and one on the main floor. None sets at a temperature there are numbers on the coldness dials from 1 to maybe 7 or 8 and hi med low on the fan speed dials. I used to need it cold all the time as I was always hot and husband was always freezing. About 10 years ago that reversed – I am now freezing all the time and he is hot all the time. Our bedroom ac died and we had to buy have installed a new one mid pandemic (scares the heck out of me to have people in our house, let alone our bedroom both for C-19 and because we have had bed bugs that cost a fortune to get rid of). I normally sleep in old jeans, loose socks and tee shirts – since new ac put in the bedroom – in long sleeved tee shirts.

    But we go from our air conditioned house to our air conditioned car to the air conditioned food store – in normal times – the air conditioned movies, Wendys, restaurants, etc. A few years ago our reenactment unit bought a portable ac unit that has a piece put in the window when we need to use it as our Independence Day event in mid July (when D of I arrived in the township to be read to the public) it is terribly hot – once almost had to take a member to the hospital before we got it – so it is there for us to cool off in modern section of house when it is hot so no one gets sick.

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