The Flying McCoys by Glenn McCoy and Gary McCoy for August 01, 2020

  1. Don martin 1
    Farside99  over 4 years ago

    You don’t have to attend the ceremony to get your degree.

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  2. Rick o shay
    wiatr  over 4 years ago

    I would have been fine just stopping by the high school office and picking up my diploma. The ceremony stuff was a drag but I did it for my parents. Then I did it four times later for my kids – two high schools and two colleges.

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  3. Me2
    PleaseStay6PixelsAway  over 4 years ago

    He better change from sandals to real shoes if he hopes to put his degree to use at McDonald’s.

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  4. Strega
    P51Strega  over 4 years ago

    HS: after the last kid got his diploma there was confusion and we all threw our caps up, then recovered them and left. Turns out there were a few more speakers scheduled.

    College: we were passing around champagne bottles during the {blab, blab, blab}. It was pretty fun.

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  5. Dsc 0101
    Happy Tinkerbelle Premium Member over 4 years ago

    A HS graduation inmy town had this happen. They announced a guy who gave $500 for a scholarship. He took that as an invitation to give a 1 hour speech to the kids. It was awkward getting him off the stage.

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  6. Unnamed  1
    Doctor Toon  over 4 years ago

    I have to admit I hate graduation ceremonies as much as anyone, that’s why it surprised me how truly sorry I felt for the seniors this year who didn’t get the chance to be bored out of their skulls

    Wasn’t that big of a prom fan either, but a lot of kids missed out on that this year , too

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    teltobil  over 4 years ago

    A graduate should know enough to say “if I’d known,” not “if I knew.”

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    Otis Rufus Driftwood  over 4 years ago

    Makes a mockery of the journey being more important than the destination.

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    Bobbo76  over 4 years ago

    I handed my college diploma to my Dad and said, “what’s it say, Dad?” The look on his face was priceless.

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  10. Stinker
    cuzinron47  over 4 years ago

    They want to prep for sitting in unemployment lines.

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  11. Photo
    j.l.farmer  over 4 years ago

    2-3 hrs for a graduation is a far cry from all the hours put in attending classs and studying; your parents deserve seeing you get your diploma since they did so much for you during the years putting you through school. (unless he got a free ride with scholarships)

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  12. Rocketman a
    Ed Brault Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I graduated out of cycle. Got my Official Transcript in the mail (They expected you to pay an additional fee for your diploma), and my Air Force Commission from my ROTC Commandant. Managed to avoid 3 hours of sitting with 5000 Undergrads listening to a series of left-wing speakers. 60 days later I was on Active Duty.

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  13. Img 1610
    WCraft  over 4 years ago

    Skipped out on the lectures, did you?

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