I remember seeing football on the tube as a small child. It seemed to be toss the ball, everybody runs and then jumps in a dog-pile. The whistle blows, everyone gets up. Repeat.
Even though this takes place in 1990 this shows how much more violent society has become. When I was in school in the 60s we weren’t allowed to play tackle or contact football until high school. We as 8-year-olds could play tag football, where we stuck little cloth tags or flags as they were called into our waist pants, hanging out about a foot, and the opposing team could grab it and thus achieve a ‘tackle’. Saved the little kids from getting injured like broken bones. Come to think of it no kid ever took a gun to school and started shooting either. Gentler times.
I never played organized football, but I think I can sympathize with a receiver who just caught a punt.
I was leaving a casino in Atlantic City when a busload of senior citizens (all women seemingly) pulled up and discharged its passengers – I was between a bunch of grandmas and their favorite slot machines. All I saw was a gray-haired mass of humanity coming my way. I was surprised how fast someone with a walker can move.
The “sport” in duck hunting is shooting them only in flight. Of course hiding in a blind, using a duck call, and using powerful shotguns with a wide pattern shots sort of diminishes the sporting aspect a bit, IMO.
I never got into the game of football. To me it always seemed to be a misers game. The one team gives the ref a quarter to toss and then both teams spend the entire game trying to get the quarter back. that’s not even 3 cents per player.
BE THIS GUY over 4 years ago
Ducks have enough sense to fly away when they hear shots.
The Calvinosaurus That Calvin Wanted To Discover over 4 years ago
Fine time for this strip to come up, as the NFL had about 60 injuries last week :(
codycab over 4 years ago
Not too crazy about this sport. I keep reading about players needing surgery and stuff.
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
I’ve never played football nor hunted ducks*.
*Not even deer or elk or whatever else that requires a hunting rifle.
GreasyOldTam over 4 years ago
“four downs to get back on the field”. or, you could just switch to Calvinball.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Getting plowed by the defense is pretty offensive.
jagedlo over 4 years ago
If only the real Bengals played like Hobbes!
M2MM over 4 years ago
Good punchline/philosophy Calvin. :D
su43dipta over 4 years ago
Ducks don’t think…
in.amongst over 4 years ago
Sigh! Just love me some Calvin(philo)sophy.
orinoco womble over 4 years ago
I remember seeing football on the tube as a small child. It seemed to be toss the ball, everybody runs and then jumps in a dog-pile. The whistle blows, everyone gets up. Repeat.
dcdete. over 4 years ago
Even though this takes place in 1990 this shows how much more violent society has become. When I was in school in the 60s we weren’t allowed to play tackle or contact football until high school. We as 8-year-olds could play tag football, where we stuck little cloth tags or flags as they were called into our waist pants, hanging out about a foot, and the opposing team could grab it and thus achieve a ‘tackle’. Saved the little kids from getting injured like broken bones. Come to think of it no kid ever took a gun to school and started shooting either. Gentler times.
Riders on the Storm Premium Member over 4 years ago
“Heads I win, tails you lose”.
dflak over 4 years ago
I never played organized football, but I think I can sympathize with a receiver who just caught a punt.
I was leaving a casino in Atlantic City when a busload of senior citizens (all women seemingly) pulled up and discharged its passengers – I was between a bunch of grandmas and their favorite slot machines. All I saw was a gray-haired mass of humanity coming my way. I was surprised how fast someone with a walker can move.
admiree2 over 4 years ago
Football is kids’ stuff. Now Rollerball, with all games using the rules of the championship game, … now that’s a real man’s game.
uniquename over 4 years ago
Whatever happened to forward progress?
awcoffman over 4 years ago
Ducks might think hunting was a sport if they could shoot back. Deer might agree.
joegeethree over 4 years ago
The “sport” in duck hunting is shooting them only in flight. Of course hiding in a blind, using a duck call, and using powerful shotguns with a wide pattern shots sort of diminishes the sporting aspect a bit, IMO.
theincrediblebulk over 4 years ago
I never got into the game of football. To me it always seemed to be a misers game. The one team gives the ref a quarter to toss and then both teams spend the entire game trying to get the quarter back. that’s not even 3 cents per player.
sonnygreen over 4 years ago
Bill Watterson’s artwork is my main reason for reading C & H daily. Also, great imagination.
BigDaveGlass over 4 years ago
Much prefer the Hobbes ‘Grreating’ though , much funnier!
Salmon✔️ over 4 years ago
why do they always land in mud?
Mediatech over 4 years ago
I lost all interest in football on my first day of high school gym class. I caught a pass, and was promptly tackled by about half a ton of dumb jocks.
mountainclimber over 4 years ago
I support the right to arm bears.
Troglodyte over 4 years ago
That really quacks us up, Calvin!
AbnerYokum over 4 years ago
Why does Calvin let Hobbes — a figment of his imagination, after all — beat him?
A Hip loving Canadian... over 4 years ago
The grin on Hobbes should be enough of a warning to Calvin to run the other way.
donwestonmysteries over 4 years ago
This is the same kid who gets tackled at the front door after school right? So what was he thinking here? Even Charlie Brown would know better.
{* Cj.løve.the.music *} over 4 years ago
1 minute later
Clavin – How much players to we need again?