The Flying McCoys by Glenn McCoy and Gary McCoy for August 06, 2020

  1. Man with x ray glasses
    The Reader Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Let’s see if his tweet goes viral.

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  2. Me2
    PleaseStay6PixelsAway  over 4 years ago

    “Somebody re-rake the sand and lets shoot that scene again.” (Yes, this is a shout-out to those who think the moon walk was faked — mostly the same people who think that covid-19 is just a regular flu and precautions are a scam.)

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  3. Missing large
    Otis Rufus Driftwood  over 4 years ago

    Life without producing placement . . . what’s that like?

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  4. Img 1610
    WCraft  over 4 years ago

    If NASA were a sports team… there would be so many sponsors’ decals on the side of the lander you’d be lucky to spot the American flag!

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  5. Spiny norman 59306
    Spiny Norman Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Robert Klein did a bit where he mentioned the integrity of Neil Armstrong, “All he had to do was step on the moon and yell COCA COLA!! To make a million bucks.”

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  6. Deutsch beer week
    Norris66  over 4 years ago

    One Small Step for Man One Giant Whoops (Remember OSHA training) ;)

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  7. Stinker
    cuzinron47  over 4 years ago

    I can’t believe that was an outtake, NASA could use the money.

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  8. 580x557xwill rogers copy 600x577 jpg pagespeed ic eupwtvdnol
    mauser7  over 4 years ago

    Which is almost better then what he did say. He was supposed to say “One small step for A man, one giant leap for mankind.” But he left the “A” out and it was “One small step for man one giant leap for mankind.” Which was grammatically confusing because “man” and “mankind” are basically the same thing. And I sat up till ODark30, to watch it.

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  9. Screenshot 20230516 001733 instagram
    amyluella  over 4 years ago

    Shout out to all the covidiots who think everything they see on the telly is truth, from the moon landing on up…..

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