Someone should design a “Real-Life” treadmill. You know, put a couple of hard-rubber rocks, sticks, an’ a spring-loaded copperhead or two, on that literally-endless loop! (Just to break-boredom, and keep your wits about you—-just like a real-nature walk…!) ☺
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
Caldonia over 4 years ago
It’s because there’s no air conditioning in the parking lot, silly.
Gent over 4 years ago
I don’t need no treadmills to walk on. I just need the woods.
Breadboard over 4 years ago
Nothing like the daily walk ! And I do not drive to do it ;-)
Doctor Toon over 4 years ago
I get all the exercise I need at work, and then some
Dont want to get lazy so on days off I walk too, wish I had woods
timzsixty9 over 4 years ago
l3i7l over 4 years ago
More likely to find the pluggers at the far end of the lot, so they get their money’s worth.
david_42 over 4 years ago
Good idea in Oregon nine months out of the year.
GreenT267 over 4 years ago
Have you ever noticed how many coffee shops and even donut shops are located near gyms and fitness centers?
phboles over 4 years ago
or as close to the start of a hiking trail as possible. I see that all the time when I out biking.
ctolson over 4 years ago
That’s so they don’t have to walk far after getting worn out exercising.
Dani Rice over 4 years ago
There used to be a gym near us that actually had escalators from the parking lot up to the doors.
Alberta Oil over 4 years ago
You guys are all mean.. you park near the door so when you finish your routine you are close to your car.. it’s called planning ahead.
seaton9 over 4 years ago
All so it close when your done, all tired, sore and winded.
bruno640320 over 4 years ago
Someone should design a “Real-Life” treadmill. You know, put a couple of hard-rubber rocks, sticks, an’ a spring-loaded copperhead or two, on that literally-endless loop! (Just to break-boredom, and keep your wits about you—-just like a real-nature walk…!) ☺
the lost wizard over 4 years ago
Of course. I paid for the other stuff.