Vodka in mashed potatoes is a waste, as the cooking process heat, and mashing, willl remove the alcohol and leave runny mashed potatoes.
Two ways to do this:
Cook the mashed potatoes normally. Clarify two sticks (1/2 lb of butter) and set in a larger server. Add 8 oz of Vodka to the clarified butter and stir. The Butter will remain clarified, the fat and oil will keep the alcohol intact. Pour the butter on the potatoes with Gravy as desired.
The other way is to pour one shot of vodka directly into the chef for every guest they are serving. The chef can regulate the speed and pace of the input to insure even doneness.
Note: this is intended as parody and satire only. Please do not try this at home. No Chefs were harmed in the production of this comment.
The grossest thing I ever ate was at a thanksgiving meal – my friend’s mother added amaretto to the mashed sweet potatoes – new recipe, never tried; after tasting his, her son bailed me out – leaned over and said “you don’t have to eat this sh*t.” The highlight was when she finally took a bite and knew instantly why none of us were eating her dish.
Don’t know, but it reminds me of a favorite cartoon from a very old collection that belonged to my Dad. Two bakers standing over a tub of bread dough, one them liberally pouring the contents of a bottle into the dough and saying to the other, “It’s what makes people so crazy about our rye bread.”
Leojim about 4 years ago
A pint or so per person should do.
rekam Premium Member about 4 years ago
More like smashed potatoes.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 4 years ago
If it’s true vodka, it is potatoes.
paranormal about 4 years ago
Three swigs per person.
pcolli about 4 years ago
Forget the potatoes.
blunebottle about 4 years ago
No, the vodka should go in the pot with the roast.
A Common 'tator about 4 years ago
Red wine added to the chicken and whiskey to my hot-chocolate…
dflak about 4 years ago
As the sign in my kitchen says, "I cook with wine. Sometimes some of it makes it into the food.’
JDP_Huntington Beach about 4 years ago
Vodka in mashed potatoes is a waste, as the cooking process heat, and mashing, willl remove the alcohol and leave runny mashed potatoes.
Two ways to do this:
Cook the mashed potatoes normally. Clarify two sticks (1/2 lb of butter) and set in a larger server. Add 8 oz of Vodka to the clarified butter and stir. The Butter will remain clarified, the fat and oil will keep the alcohol intact. Pour the butter on the potatoes with Gravy as desired.
The other way is to pour one shot of vodka directly into the chef for every guest they are serving. The chef can regulate the speed and pace of the input to insure even doneness.
Note: this is intended as parody and satire only. Please do not try this at home. No Chefs were harmed in the production of this comment.
Marvin Premium Member about 4 years ago
Depends, Aunty. How many victims are you feeding?
rhpii about 4 years ago
I’ll take mine deconstructed. Just sit the bottle next to the bowl of potatoes.
Michael G. about 4 years ago
To taste, silly girl!
pheets about 4 years ago
Open the bottle, skip the taters : )
karlykru Premium Member about 4 years ago
The grossest thing I ever ate was at a thanksgiving meal – my friend’s mother added amaretto to the mashed sweet potatoes – new recipe, never tried; after tasting his, her son bailed me out – leaned over and said “you don’t have to eat this sh*t.” The highlight was when she finally took a bite and knew instantly why none of us were eating her dish.
ChessPirate about 4 years ago
Enough to get smashed, I would assume… ☺
amaneaux about 4 years ago
Before or after eating the potatoes?
sandflea about 4 years ago
If you add more than a half cup, they’re too runny.
Number Three about 4 years ago
The whole bottle!
cuzinron47 about 4 years ago
Enough to dissolve the lumps.
Jml58 about 4 years ago
You don´t add vodka to the mashed potatoes. You add it to the cook.
MFRXIM Premium Member about 4 years ago
A food scientist told me it’s the secret to a good piecrust!
Dragoncat about 4 years ago
Hmmm… That is definitely worth looking into…
Iwa Iniki about 4 years ago
I hate mashed potatoes and I don’t drink. That leaves me with nothing. Sigh!
bakana about 4 years ago
Just enough to give it a Tang, but not so much they become “Runny”.
Widdershins about 4 years ago
Just a little bit more. :)
paullp Premium Member about 4 years ago
Don’t know, but it reminds me of a favorite cartoon from a very old collection that belonged to my Dad. Two bakers standing over a tub of bread dough, one them liberally pouring the contents of a bottle into the dough and saying to the other, “It’s what makes people so crazy about our rye bread.”