I wandered into a polling place a few days ago, got my spray of hand sanitiser, got signed off, ranked the local idiots from actively evil to appalling to tolerable in reverse order, and left.
The whole process took under five minutes and there was no queue.
Say, how do they know who has really voted as you and mailed in your ballots? And why haven’t you upgraded to electronic voting machines (offline, of course. Can’t get hacked that way) yet?
If you are in California, Make sure you drop your ballots in a REAL, OFFICIAL DROP BOX, and NOT one of the fake ones the Republicans have set up to STEAL BALLOTS!!!!
Of course Brewster finished filling out his ballot while he was standing at the mailbox. Like those people who decide on a movie when they get to the box office.
The Governator in Texas recently got told he’s not allowed to create long lines like that by having only ONE drop off box per county in Counties where there are Millions of Voters.
Aside from the need for more polling stations it might shorten things a bit if you were only voting for legislature and executive members like in every other Western country rather than them and the major bureaucrats and law enforcement and judicial officials. But democracy, right?
kaffekup over 4 years ago
Is the R.U.Sirius based in Texas?
Ratkin Premium Member over 4 years ago
Except for Cliff, that’s a pretty fit, shapely crew there.
wiatr over 4 years ago
I just wonder how the mail carrier retrieves the outgoing mail. Is there shuttle service?
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 4 years ago
Brewster is taking a long time figuring how to post the mail.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member over 4 years ago
I wandered into a polling place a few days ago, got my spray of hand sanitiser, got signed off, ranked the local idiots from actively evil to appalling to tolerable in reverse order, and left.
The whole process took under five minutes and there was no queue.
Gent over 4 years ago
Say, how do they know who has really voted as you and mailed in your ballots? And why haven’t you upgraded to electronic voting machines (offline, of course. Can’t get hacked that way) yet?
Gent over 4 years ago
Is that Pam’s sister or she got a haircut while waiting in line?
Masterskrain over 4 years ago
If you are in California, Make sure you drop your ballots in a REAL, OFFICIAL DROP BOX, and NOT one of the fake ones the Republicans have set up to STEAL BALLOTS!!!!
PoodleGroomer over 4 years ago
The line is being held up until an election worker and postal worker explain to Brewster how to operate a mailbox.
Richard L. Johnston over 4 years ago
Of course Brewster finished filling out his ballot while he was standing at the mailbox. Like those people who decide on a movie when they get to the box office.
DCBakerEsq over 4 years ago
They have postal service in Space!?!
Lou over 4 years ago
Well…maybe only in Texas…until that judge set the governor straight.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 4 years ago
Pretty weak.
Santaanacanyon1 over 4 years ago
If USPS had not been decommissioning so many collection boxes over 20 years, the lines would be shorter.
awcoffman over 4 years ago
What fool decided to let Brewster go first? And why aren’t they socially distancing?
bakana over 4 years ago
The Governator in Texas recently got told he’s not allowed to create long lines like that by having only ONE drop off box per county in Counties where there are Millions of Voters.
oakie817 over 4 years ago
every state has a web site where you can go and make sure they have received your vote and that it has been counted…just sayin’
montylc2001 over 4 years ago
I’m not even going to look at the comments on this one.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 4 years ago
GreggW Premium Member over 4 years ago
Aside from the need for more polling stations it might shorten things a bit if you were only voting for legislature and executive members like in every other Western country rather than them and the major bureaucrats and law enforcement and judicial officials. But democracy, right?