Pluggers by Rick McKee for November 13, 2020

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    Lord Flatulence Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Crazed eating.

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    Baarorso  over 4 years ago

    To a Plugger…..MORE MEAT MATTERS! ;D

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 4 years ago

    I’d skip the T… unless I replace it with toast.

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    Caldonia  over 4 years ago

    Woah. Calm down, dude.

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    DavidHewlett  over 4 years ago

    And what is wrong with that ???

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    Breadboard  over 4 years ago

    Where is the Mayo for that “BLT” ?

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    Zykoic  over 4 years ago

    BAT sandwich; Bacon, avocado, toast.

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  8. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 4 years ago

    And I thought rhinoceroses were vegetarian.

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    nosirrom  over 4 years ago

    A few days ago I made myself a grilled BCT. Bacon, Cheese, and Tomato.

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    jmworacle  over 4 years ago

    And THAT’s a fact!

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    wirepunchr  over 4 years ago

    When my wife gets a pound of bacon out I ask “What, you don’t want any?”

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    pheets  over 4 years ago

    I don’t really think that bacon lust is limited to “pluggers”.

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    nyssawho13  over 4 years ago

    I heard this on a folk music radio show and never forgot! A great song and appropriate for this comic today!

    Lyrics: Bacon; Mary Liz McNamara

    Animals are people tooWhat did that turkey ever do to youTo deserve to be served like that- Tied up on a platter?

    Think about each life you takeEach time you cut into a big fat steakOnly a meanie eats Veal scallopiniDo you wanna live your life like that?

    No you can do without Veal parmesanBeef bourguignon Chicken tarragonGive up filet mignon Life can still be sweet If you give up meat It’s easy! You can even try to give up…

    Bacon Bacon Fried heaven in a pan!Ba ba ba, ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba bacon! The taste, the touch, the smell of bacon! Mmm hmm I’d kill a porker with my own bare hands!

    Oh sorry- tomatoes can be nice! Sliced with mozzarella with some pesto on the side Very tasty, or have eggplant You can grill it Or stuff the thing with rice Very nice

    Or there’s pasta Penne with vodka Is an interesting dish Just hold the penne Or try spinachYou can steam it Or bake it in a pie Or Spinach salad! How about a spinach salad? Delicious! Nutritious! Low calorie too

    But if you’d like a spinach salad A really tasty spinach salad Mmm hmm You and I both know Just what you’ve got to do You’ve got to top it with some

    Bacon Oh oh oh oh oh oh Bacon Mmm hmm Fried heaven in a panBa ba ba, ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba bacon The taste, the touch, the smell Of bacon! Mmm hmm Id kill the porker with my own bare hands Just to get a strip of bacon Oh oh oh oh oh oh Bacon Bay bay Ba ba ba Bay bay Ba ba ba Ba ba ba ba Ba ba ba, ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba bacon! (worship bacon until satisfied)(serve with avocado milkshake, mmm)

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    Geophyzz  over 4 years ago

    Lettuce & tomato are the food that food eats.

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    ctolson  over 4 years ago

    And like most Pluggers that are on a diet, he’s looking over his shoulder for the wife to enter the room and ask him what’s he eating!

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    david_42  over 4 years ago

    I actually had a GF that didn’t eat bacon, she was a vegan. She did admit if she ever broke, it would be for bacon.

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  17. Anim chromosomes
    chromosome Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Bacon is meat candy.

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  18. Western grebe by jeff and amy
    I'll fly away  over 4 years ago

    AMEN! This will be going on the refrigerator like many of the other “Pluggerisms”.

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    raybarb44  over 4 years ago

    True, but they really do go good together…..

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    Plods with ...™  over 4 years ago

    So….. the bread?

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  21. Bill the cat
    Bill D. Kat Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Pluggers know it’s actually a BLM ….. bacon lettuce and ’mater sandwich.

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    w2lj  over 4 years ago

    Maybe. But if the “T” is a homegrown Jersey Beefsteak tomato, that’s pretty darn good, too!

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    Jack Dawson  over 4 years ago

    Yep. The bacon is the only good reason to eat a salad on two pieces of bread.

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    CynthiaLeigh  over 4 years ago

    Eww! The carnivore rhino is creepy!

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    vick53  over 4 years ago

    Mr. Moore…Do you pronounce it “Duboys” or “Dubwah”? All my relation in that area say the first one. Just curious…

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