My mother was a knit-wit. She loved to knit. I asked her if I gave her some steel wool, if she could knit me a car.
There was on time I went out as she was starting a sweater. I was gone a couple of hours and the weather crumped. But the time I got back, she had most of it done. According to my sister who watched her, she was so nervous that the sparks were flying off the needles.
She was particularly fond of making children’s sweaters. One was a simple sweater with a smiley face that she made for my then toddle son. This got passed to my sister when she had her son and back to us when we had our second son.
It then went to my sister-in-law in Ireland whose four daughters wore it in their turn and then back across the pond to my other sister-in-law for her two children and then again across the Atlantic for my sister-in-law’s grandson.
It was then donated to a charity and was last seen in a newspaper article picture featuring a little girl in Bosnia wearing it. As far as we know, it’s still making its way around the world.
My wife is a crafter and we have craft supplies coming out of our ears. On occasion, we get a call from Hobby Lobby asking if we can help them out when they run low on stock.
Ratkin Premium Member about 4 years ago
She can’t buy her own?
The Reader Premium Member about 4 years ago
So, the crazy glue project was not successful?
backyardcowboy about 4 years ago
He’s a knit-wit. just put some glue on his neck and then wind the yarn.
Casey Jones about 4 years ago
And we thought Doctor Who had a long scarf!
dflak about 4 years ago
My mother was a knit-wit. She loved to knit. I asked her if I gave her some steel wool, if she could knit me a car.
There was on time I went out as she was starting a sweater. I was gone a couple of hours and the weather crumped. But the time I got back, she had most of it done. According to my sister who watched her, she was so nervous that the sparks were flying off the needles.
She was particularly fond of making children’s sweaters. One was a simple sweater with a smiley face that she made for my then toddle son. This got passed to my sister when she had her son and back to us when we had our second son.
It then went to my sister-in-law in Ireland whose four daughters wore it in their turn and then back across the pond to my other sister-in-law for her two children and then again across the Atlantic for my sister-in-law’s grandson.
It was then donated to a charity and was last seen in a newspaper article picture featuring a little girl in Bosnia wearing it. As far as we know, it’s still making its way around the world.
Jeff0811 about 4 years ago
Whatever…no skein off my nose.
Denver Reader Premium Member about 4 years ago
Are you kidding, she has a perfect opportunity to strangle him and be acquitted.
moeric9 about 4 years ago
My wife is a crafter and we have craft supplies coming out of our ears. On occasion, we get a call from Hobby Lobby asking if we can help them out when they run low on stock.
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member about 4 years ago
Don’t mind her. She’d just feeling crochety today.
Moonkey Premium Member about 4 years ago
She can get her boob out of her armpit and go buy her own needles.
cuzinron47 about 4 years ago
He doesn’t want you around sharp pointed objects.
ekke about 4 years ago
If she wraps it tight enough, pretty soon she won’t have to wrap at all.
Lablubber about 4 years ago
I hate to sound like I’m needling, but this yarn has me feeling at cross-stitch purposes. You now macramé continue.