Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for April 22, 2021

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    Cpeckbourlioux  almost 4 years ago

    Sugar-free is a good idea…

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    Zesty  almost 4 years ago

    Something makes this 25-year-old cartoon somehow topical today…

    can’t quite put my finger on it.

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  3. Strega
    P51Strega  almost 4 years ago

    Hopefully the side effect is sterility.

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    MD Bear Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    I have a long time suspicion that most prescription drugs are named after the researchers’ Dungeons and Dragons character.

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    Decepticomic  almost 4 years ago

    I would get the COVID vaccine, but I want one that will let women know that I’m secure in my masculinity. Maybe a wolf picture on the syringe?

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    bbenoit  almost 4 years ago

    “I know I should get a covid shot (I’ll never admit that around my buddies) but the government told me I should so now I don’t want too. I have rights”

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    dotbup  almost 4 years ago

    Thanks to Republican Anti-Vaxxers, the U.S. May Never Reach COVID-19 Herd Immunity — The huge percentage of GOP voters refusing to get vaccinated is likely to drag out the pandemic. (


    If you refuse to get vaccinated, you should:

    Not be permitted to cross state lines

    Not be permitted to travel by air or rail

    Not be permitted on federal grounds or in federal buildings

    Not be permitted within 100 yards of a public school

    Not be eligible for federal programs

    Not be eligible for health insurance

    Only exception from the above per a signed examination from a licensed physician, renewed annually.

    Any violation of the above should be subject to charges of bioterrorism.

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  8. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  almost 4 years ago

    Fifty varieties of the same brand of toothpaste.

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    kaffekup   almost 4 years ago

    “In other news, the 2002 rollout of the Panacea pill was postponed indefinitely, when Big Pharma realized that they would never make another dollar.”

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  10. Pirate63
    Linguist  almost 4 years ago

    “Kids are different today,” I hear every mother say

    Mother needs something today to calm her down

    And though she’s not really ill, there’s a little yellow pill

    She goes running for the shelter of her mother’s little helper

    And it helps her on her way, gets her through her busy day…"

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    ferddo  almost 4 years ago

    Too bad they couldn’t plan a version for people who are anti-vax or distrust doctors…

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    banjoAhhh!   almost 4 years ago

    The cartoon’s concept of Pharma making the same product and then giving them all different packages to make more $$ is sad and true. The other sad thing is that most of the research and development of drugs is done by the NIH, a federal agency. We pay for the development and the high prices Pharma asks.

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    mattro65  almost 4 years ago

    There is a panacea but it’s not a pill, anyone can grow it and it’s likely to put a significant dent in big pharma’s profits. Hint-it’s mostly green.

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