Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for February 21, 2021

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    Chithing Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    It helps that you two are somewhat self defeating.

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    Doctor Toon  almost 4 years ago

    I started drinking coffee about their age, dunking grandmas chocolate chip cookies in it

    After eating enough cookies to soak up about half a cup, I would drink the rest

    Sludgy with bits of cookie and chocolate chips, yum

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    verticallychallenged Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    I loved the smell of coffee as a child, but couldn’t stand the taste until I had to be alert & energetic to teach at 8:30 a.m. Suddenly, it tasted fine.

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    donut reply  almost 4 years ago

    We don’t give coffee to kids because of the quiet time when they sleep longer.

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    Teto85 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Little kids at one time were given coffee. Dr Graham invented his cracker to counter the effects of too much coffee.

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    oakie817  almost 4 years ago

    actually grew up having to walk to school in RI (1.6 miles, i googled it) and we all had a cup of coffee every morning before starting out…state beverage is coffee milk

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    samfran6-0  almost 4 years ago

    I drink cream and sugar with a little taste of coffee.

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    WF11  almost 4 years ago

    When I was growing up, my mother drank coffee with cream and sugar, while my father drank it black. So early on the idea that black coffee was more “manly” was deeply set in my impression of what it was like to be an adult. So as a kid I started with coffee with cream and sugar, then graduated to just cream (actually half and half) in coffee. What made me go all the way to black was when I realized, after gradually starting to use powdered “non-dairy creamer”, that said creamer stuff was actually disgusting! It’s just black now, for the past 40+ years (not counting the occasional “dessert” or coffee house type indulgence ).

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  9. Bunny and summer together
    Moonkey Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Both of my parents were all day all evening coffee drinkers. Neither my sibling nor I could even stand the smell of it. I still can’t. As far as I know, neither can my sibling. I have been told it’s an acquired taste, like beer, and neither of us ever wished to acquire it, I guess. Some chocolates have a touch of coffee in them, and they are awful to me. Sometimes I am jealous of people who like it, but I can’t stand even being near a Starbucks. It smells burnt, as best.

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    WF11  almost 4 years ago

    That’s something I hated hearing as a kid: “You wouldn’t like it”. That often seemed so unfair, and even then I thought that I should be able to tell what I did and didn’t like, and not have it decided for me!

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    WCraft Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Just wait until you try okra…

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    buflogal!  almost 4 years ago

    Give them some strong black coffee.

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