Yes, it seems to be a good thing that Sam kept that business card from Mr. Wildman. He may be able to tell more about why Auntie Bellum suddenly became a recluse three years ago. Next stop: Wildman’s place.
Three years?! Someone commented awhile back wondering if Auntie Bellum would wind being a similar character to Norman Bates’ mother. If I were a betting man I’d be checking the odds out of London to put some early money on that being the eventual outcome.
So, unlike the oddly menacing brush-haired extra in the park sequence awhile back, bit player Wildman actually is important to the story— neat plot twist, Mike!
1-DT: Ugh. It feels like we’ve been just sitting here talking about that old house and these pictures for 5 days now.
2-SAM: Yeah. Is it ok if I take this one home to add to the Spank Bank?
DT: I guess. Whatever gets the Little General to snap to…
3-SAM: No problems there thanks to the special Chinese Herbs available at Wildman’s Organics_. Here’s their card. Tell ‘em Sam sent you for some of that under the counter Stiffee Stuff™ as seen on Shanghai TV. You take that, guess what you’ll be in the sack. Go ahead. Guess.
Tell me again how it is that Tracy is the head of the MCU. Sam is doing all of the detecting here and practically breaking the case open by himself, while Dick Tracy sits in front of his computer electronically shuffling paperwork around.
Thanks to Sam, we now have some hints of what has been going on at The 1312, if not yet the full story, plus a lead in the person of the suddenly much more interesting Tim Wildman. How does he fit into the saga of Auntie Bellum and little Alex?
Anyway, this is becoming a compelling story, accompanied by as always great artwork. A kudos (it is singular; look it up if need be) to Mike and Joe!
AnyFace about 4 years ago
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray about 4 years ago
Good morning™, dowager searchers !
I hope that’s not a ticket to the Sweatbox Express, but the way this tale has been going I foresee more good times ahead.
Neil Wick about 4 years ago
Good morning™, all!
Yes, it seems to be a good thing that Sam kept that business card from Mr. Wildman. He may be able to tell more about why Auntie Bellum suddenly became a recluse three years ago. Next stop: Wildman’s place.
Straker UFO about 4 years ago
Next panel: Tracy: “Oh and score me an ounce, will you? My stash is getting low.”
artsyguy65 about 4 years ago
Three years?! Someone commented awhile back wondering if Auntie Bellum would wind being a similar character to Norman Bates’ mother. If I were a betting man I’d be checking the odds out of London to put some early money on that being the eventual outcome.
jonahhex1 about 4 years ago
So far this is the best tale in many years on this strip.
iggyman about 4 years ago
Great art, Great story!
Batster about 4 years ago
So, unlike the oddly menacing brush-haired extra in the park sequence awhile back, bit player Wildman actually is important to the story— neat plot twist, Mike!
Wizard of Ahz-no relation about 4 years ago
so the episode with yeti they rushed through to the point of abandoning reason, this they draw out.
tcayer about 4 years ago
Isn’t that the guy they talked to who told them to get lost?
Another Take about 4 years ago
1-DT: Ugh. It feels like we’ve been just sitting here talking about that old house and these pictures for 5 days now.
2-SAM: Yeah. Is it ok if I take this one home to add to the Spank Bank?
DT: I guess. Whatever gets the Little General to snap to…
3-SAM: No problems there thanks to the special Chinese Herbs available at Wildman’s Organics_. Here’s their card. Tell ‘em Sam sent you for some of that under the counter Stiffee Stuff™ as seen on Shanghai TV. You take that, guess what you’ll be in the sack. Go ahead. Guess.
DT: A wild man?
A R V reader about 4 years ago
I hope this has something to do with the blue balloon case.
IvanB.Cohen about 4 years ago
Ah yes, this storyline has morphed into “The Case of the Eccentric Recluse”.
IvanB.Cohen about 4 years ago
Tim Wildman becoming “Chatty Kathy” to the Po Po….imagine that!
IvanB.Cohen about 4 years ago
Wildman’s Organics…he probably grows dill weed and oregano.
DaleMcNamee about 4 years ago
Then, there’s Pouch and his “client” to consider…Things could get ugly for him…Will he also be “taking a swim” ?
Sisyphos about 4 years ago
Tell me again how it is that Tracy is the head of the MCU. Sam is doing all of the detecting here and practically breaking the case open by himself, while Dick Tracy sits in front of his computer electronically shuffling paperwork around.
Thanks to Sam, we now have some hints of what has been going on at The 1312, if not yet the full story, plus a lead in the person of the suddenly much more interesting Tim Wildman. How does he fit into the saga of Auntie Bellum and little Alex?
Anyway, this is becoming a compelling story, accompanied by as always great artwork. A kudos (it is singular; look it up if need be) to Mike and Joe!