When the tiger used to smoke, all of the other animals would hide in the non-smoking forest. By and by, the tiger became so hungry that he got the Nicoderm Patch. After that, the tiger had plenty to eat. However, the other tigers got tired of hearing about it…
eromlig almost 4 years ago
The tiger still died.
Templo S.U.D. almost 4 years ago
Are there even wild tigers in Korea?
Leroy almost 4 years ago
When the tiger used to smoke, all of the other animals would hide in the non-smoking forest. By and by, the tiger became so hungry that he got the Nicoderm Patch. After that, the tiger had plenty to eat. However, the other tigers got tired of hearing about it…
pearlsbs almost 4 years ago
Ever since that movie came out there is one thing I have wondered about. How does Edward Scissorhands manage things when he goes to the restroom?
cupertino jay almost 4 years ago
200 hundred words in a single Film compared to just One in Marcel Marceau’s entire career..
snipped https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075222/quotes —>
o Mel Funn: [seen as an insert title] Mr. Marceau, how would you like to appear in the first silent movie made in nearly fifty years?
o Marcel Marceau: [in French, the only spoken line in the film] Non!
o Dom Bell: [seen as an insert title after Mel hangs up the phone] What did he say?
o Mel Funn: [seen as an insert title] I don’t know. I don’t speak French!
TStyle78 almost 4 years ago
I like “When the tiger used to smoke”. I think I might start using that.
UmmeMoosa almost 4 years ago
Persian fairytale starts,,,,’One existed, one did not, at one time, under this blue dome’…….. Blue dome, as in, ahem, The firmament?
sevaar777 almost 4 years ago
Korean tigers died from lung cancer a long time ago. The few survivors then gave up an addiction humans continued to indulge in.
Gent almost 4 years ago
Why, Sheru. Didn’t know you were into pipe tobacco.
James Wolfenstein almost 4 years ago
I didn’t even notice. I couldn’t bear more than 5 minutes of that nonsense.
ForrestOverin almost 4 years ago
If you’re going to use words like ‘titular’, you need to be prepared for people to say very little to you.
zerotvus almost 4 years ago
smoke what?
cornshell almost 4 years ago
Edward Scissorhands: precursor to Twitter!
jon who tried to make a snowman almost 4 years ago
gotta love that tiger someking!
Huckleberry Hiroshima almost 4 years ago
My gramma could have used Edward when she had patterns spread out on the floor.
Take care, may professional jelly bean polisher Myrtle Ortiz be with you, and gesundheit.
jon who tried to make a snowman almost 4 years ago
when the tiger used to smoke… there was a princess….
Rabbit Brown 2105-30 P coat almost 4 years ago
Earthworms don’t smoke but they can tread soil.
dv1093 almost 4 years ago
How did they know how old the pup was? The date on his collar license, of course.
whataboutbob1955 almost 4 years ago
In the movie, “Miracle Worker” , the person playing Helen Keller says only part of one word; Wa… (ter).
markhughw almost 4 years ago
Once upon a time, tiger’s used to smoke.
Scott S almost 4 years ago
How many words did Darth Maul Speak in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace?
Stephen Gilberg almost 4 years ago
So how long has the tiger been smoke-free?
Newenglandah almost 4 years ago
I once heard a folk tale that began “long ago when the earth was still flat and animals could talk….”
Craig Westlake almost 4 years ago
Ah yes, Joe the camel took up smoking, and the tiger started selling cereal…
Craig Westlake almost 4 years ago
At the time of making the movie, Johnny Depp was studying diction under Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger…
spaced man spliff almost 4 years ago
And do prequels have to end with “and they lived happily ever before”?
lfperales almost 4 years ago
And instead of ending with happily ever after, korean folk tales end with cough cough cough
scpandich almost 4 years ago
What did the tiger smoke?
pbr50138 almost 4 years ago
Johnny Depp…not a fan of ANYTHING he’s done. But that’s me.