Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for February 09, 2021

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    BE THIS GUY  about 4 years ago

    “And they are happy, well taken care of pigs before we slaughter them.”

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    monkeysky  about 4 years ago

    Boy, I don’t know what to think about the sequel to Hotel for Dogs :\

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    Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Bribe him, as usual.

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    Petercowen  about 4 years ago

    The pigs are Kosher. Christ, they’re circumcised.

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    bbenoit  about 4 years ago

    Newt Boy. The guy who gave us “We cannot become the permanent ruling party by continuing to seek compromise with the Democrats. We must oppose them on every issue”. Also gave us “Guns, god, gays and abortion”. The father of divisive and scorched earth politics, at least in the modern era. Also the model for the current unabashed hypocrisy and hyper-partisanship in congress. Thanks, Newt Boy, you managed to incite insurrection through your blind lust for everlasting power.

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Gad! An inspection the day after the super bowl!? How rude of the government.

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    RonaldByrd  about 4 years ago

    Was Duke and Honey’s pork product franchise (which may or may not have involved taking care of living pigs) ever actually depicted or was it completely behind-the-scenes / between-the-panels? Doesn’t ring a bell.

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    The Wolf In Your Midst  about 4 years ago

    How dare the government try to get between a scammer and his hard-stolen money!

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    Honorable Mention In The Banjo Toss Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Slice ’em into bacon/cut ’em into ham/grind ’em into sausage/squeeze ’em into Spam/pickle their feet and scramble their brains/throw their little eyes out in the rain. (“Four Wet Pigs” – I forget the songwriter)

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    johnec  about 4 years ago

    It’s a pie shop, nothing to see here!

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    RonaldByrd  about 4 years ago

    “Newt-Boy”? That doesn’t sound like an “affectionate” nickname to me. “Conservatives” can’t even say nice things about each other. Tsk, tsk.:-|

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    RonaldByrd  about 4 years ago

    This raises a related question that has nothing to do with anything: Okay, suppose that humanity stopped enslaving animals for their meat, the way that some “radical vegans” want us to (I could be wrong but I think that the vast majority of “radical vegans” want “only” to change the laws so that livestock animals will be treated more humanely — the basic premise being, okay, even if we’re going to kill them and eat them, there’s no reason we can’t at least refrain from forcing them to suffer in the process - but I could be wrong.). Suppose everyone on Earth stopped eating meat. What then do we do with the millions of livestock animals who remain standing by? Turn the slaughtering facilities into zoos? That doesn’t sound like it would work. Turn the animals loose to fend for themselves in the wild? That doesn’t sound like it would work. Find loving homes for all of them? That doesn’t sound like it would work. Take the course of least resistance and kill them so they’ll never affect our lives in any way shape or form again? NOT-killing them was the entire POINT. Just not getting it. :|

    Please take it for granted that I know even less about the topic than the above paragraph implies. :-|

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    LeslieAnn Premium Member about 4 years ago

    I’m surprised Duke uses a razor blade. At least more than once.

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    bakana  about 4 years ago

    Duke’s problems didn’t really start until he fed the inspectors Head Cheese for Lunch.

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    RonaldByrd  about 4 years ago

    New question: Is Duke an addict or does he just really really really really really really REALLY enjoy getting drunk and/or high? There’s a distinction between compulsive behavior and just plain having fun, y’know.

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    Lee Taplinger  about 4 years ago

    There are times like this that Trudeau is so funny that it’s genius.

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    Lee Taplinger  about 4 years ago

    Say what you will but when Honey sees Duke hungover and in his underwear with that pale scrawny body and still loves him, that’s real love.

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