Powered Industrial Truck accident. Horace will be sent for drug testing. Then there will be follow-up investigations – he wasn’t looking in the direction of travel – and re-training.(I’m spending too much time at work.)
I knew a dock owner who hired a guy to drive the forklift. He kept running into things, losing the keys, once ran 1 wheel over the edge of the pier, said yelling at him wasn’t working. Maybe the dingbat would quit fouling up like that – if he gave him a raise. Worth a try anyway…
pschearer Premium Member almost 4 years ago
The building didn’t hear the beeper?
danketaz Premium Member almost 4 years ago
And the gentleman wins a genuine Maggie Cline cigar!
Imagine almost 4 years ago
Ding bat.
LiamG.P almost 4 years ago
The ding just showed up
T577 Brown Bunny/Vegetable Patch 62 almost 4 years ago
Ding’s Dock used to be on a river bank but maybe rural development has occurred in Waupaca where Ding had a loading dock.
biglar almost 4 years ago
Powered Industrial Truck accident. Horace will be sent for drug testing. Then there will be follow-up investigations – he wasn’t looking in the direction of travel – and re-training.(I’m spending too much time at work.)
Doug K almost 4 years ago
Does he win a prize?
Flynn White Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I knew a dock owner who hired a guy to drive the forklift. He kept running into things, losing the keys, once ran 1 wheel over the edge of the pier, said yelling at him wasn’t working. Maybe the dingbat would quit fouling up like that – if he gave him a raise. Worth a try anyway…
Zebrastripes almost 4 years ago
LOL! Only Horace!
InTraining Premium Member almost 4 years ago
now Horace will have to go inside and turn off all those lights… perhaps taking the elevator… what else could go wrong…?
kartis almost 4 years ago
Ding, purveyor of doorbell controlled light fixtures.
charles9156 almost 4 years ago
looks like Horace wins kewpie doll ;+)
mistercatworks almost 4 years ago
Probably dinged the building. Fork lift trucks are heavy .
Plods with ...™ almost 4 years ago
Ha HA! Horace wins the internet today!
StephenRice almost 4 years ago
Is this a rerun? Somehow it rings a bell.
PappyFiddle almost 4 years ago
Horace backed into the elevator button and it went up. Sort of like the butcher who backed into his meat grinder and got a little behind in his work.
Chris Sherlock almost 4 years ago
JH&Cats almost 4 years ago
Wow, that’s a strong horse. How many HP was that?