Bozo by Foxo Reardon for November 07, 2021

  1. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member over 3 years ago

    1 Saves wear and tear on the tire.

    2 Go ahead lady, he’s a real bargain.

    3 The things people throw away. You could get three bucks for him at Uncle Bennie’s.

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  2. Animiertes spass lustig bild 0179
    in-dubio-pro-rainbow  over 3 years ago

    1. Remember what the foreman said:“Use your head. Use your head. Use your head”

    2. $ 2.98?!? Bozo, don’t ya know you’re priceless?

    3. If I only had a Dollar each time that happened to me… I could shop at Uncle Benny’s

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  3. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 3 years ago

    1. Ah, the delicate work-life balance.

    2. Poor Bozo sells himself.

    3. No litter no loiter.

    And as always, a big thumbs up and a big applause for these wonderfully drawn funny comics which is Foxo’s marvellous masterpiece, a picturesque pantomime called BOZO!

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  4. Rip01 copy
    Hamady Sack Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Bozo is a hod-head.

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  5. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103
    Kip Williams  over 3 years ago

    Looks to me like Bozo’s going through a difficult time in his life, from $2 to detritus in just one day.

    He’s suffering from detritis.

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  6. Picture
    Ontman  over 3 years ago

    1) Bozo hits the bricks. 2) Pawn job. 3) Your morning headlines.

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  7. Profile msn
    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Well, if no one wants to buy your stuff, you might have to sell yourself shorty.

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  8. Missing large
    tims145  over 3 years ago

    Groundskeeper in #3 is U.G.’s twin brother, if not he himself sans umbrella.

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  9. Earl flag
    Mark Thomas  over 3 years ago

    1. Bozo’s arms got tired.

    2. It’s a shame that what appears to be a single jacket is worth more than one original Bozo.

    3. When the boss tells you to pick up all the trash.

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  10. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  over 3 years ago

    3 – The trash man is kind enough to plaster the US Savings Bond poster to his cart, but I can’t quite make out the other poster below it.. “Be a Modern Work Win!” is as best I can make it out.

    The 1949 Savings Bond campaign’s slogan was “Automatic Saving is Sure Saving”. Part of what was known as the ‘Payroll Savings Plan’ at the time.

    Foxo, like a few cartoonists of the period, was kind enough to put a little reminder of the program in their strips every now and again.

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  11. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 3 years ago

    1) Brick-à-Brac: Bozo hauling bricks in a wheel barro and sees a lady using her head and decides to mimic her and does so with the heavy bricks.

    2) Hocking valuables: Down-on-his-luck Bozo tries to hock a ring but is refused. So he puts himself up for sale just out side.

    3) Human Refuse: Bozo napping in the edge of the park using a news paper as a cover gets tossed in the rolling trash bin of the clean up man.

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  12. Snoopy laughs
    HappyDog/ᵀʳʸ ᴮᵒᶻᵒ ⁴ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘⁿ ᵒᶠ ᶦᵗ Premium Member over 3 years ago

    #¹ Bozo’s got a head for the job, but he might be a few bricks short.

    #² Two dollars? Bozo’s a bargain at twice that!

    #³ Bozo is always helpful and eager to contribute to the cleanup.

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  13. Mr. connolly
    gcarlson  over 3 years ago

    One of the things that most impressed me in India was the loads on people’s heads.

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  14. Aacea41c 9c1a 47e9 9857 d044c8fd6632
    Meme Dee Dee (king of the comic reviewers)  over 3 years ago

    That comic was made in 1949. Why is that guy still selling war bonds 4 years after the war ended?

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