Bozo by Foxo Reardon for January 06, 2023

  1. Earl flag
    Mark Thomas  about 2 years ago

    1. That guy “noses” something about birds.

    2. Bozo waits for no man, but he will wait for the cigar.

    3. Bozo will next get a letter from a Nigerian prince telling Bozo he will receive a large amount of money.

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  2. Animiertes spass lustig bild 0179
    in-dubio-pro-rainbow  about 2 years ago

    1. The long nosed guy, he is at search

    For the right pet and on the verge

    Of bird purchase…sure! With that “perch!”

    2. And this is where, guys and fellas

    Bozo gets his spare cigars

    3. Contrary to the box of that Schrödinger guy

    There’s no uncertainty in Bozo’s, tell ya why

    ‘Cause when it’s open we can see

    Thru tears of laughter but clearly

    That it IS empty. Really

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  3. Patches
    Its just me  about 2 years ago

    In 3 Bozo signed a blank cheque, methinks

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    GovernorOfCalisota {LoveBozobyFoxo} Premium Member about 2 years ago

    1) The Bird wanted to look straight in his eye. Very convenient place fo that! ☺

    2) The patience acquired as a fisherman finally paid off.

    3) The box is as empty as Bozo’s bank account. I hope Fuzzy will witness the thief disappointment. ☺

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  5. Snoopy laughs
    HappyDog/ᵀʳʸ ᴮᵒᶻᵒ ⁴ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘⁿ ᵒᶠ ᶦᵗ Premium Member about 2 years ago

    1• A bird in the hand is worth two in a bush. But a bird on the nose? Nobody knows!

    2• Is Bozo offering personalized street cleaning, or does he just want what’s left of that stogie?

    3• Are we led to believe that delivery guy had one of Bozo’s blank checks? Do you know where yours are?

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    Just-me  about 2 years ago

    1. Roosting

    2. Indefatigable

    3. Bunco

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    Sluggo's Eloquence Coach  about 2 years ago

    1) What Have I Done to Deserve This – Pet Shop Boys 2) Second Hand News – Fleetwood Mac or Have A Cigar – Pink Floyd 3) Promises, Promises – Dionne Warwick/Burt Bacharach

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  8. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  about 2 years ago

    1. See, sir? This the perfect per for you!

    2. Bozo always so diligent on duty. Me hopes he puts off burning befor ehe put it in bag.

    3. Today’s kids ordering online delivery will relates with this.

    With each strip FoXo’s artwork only got better and better, even though his health was getting worse and worse. A true hallmark of a true professional and a true master of his profession.

    FoXo was never lazy and always gave his best. Just look at the last panel of last strip. The scene of crook enchashing Bozo’s cheque. Look closely and you’ll see FoXo’s brilliant perspective artwork in its full form. Just look at the depth of the background here, peoples and objects and elements placed at different focal points from the audience. He could’ve just done a simpler scene without background elements or people in the scene but as we knows by now, FoXo wasn’t easily satisfied.

    Of course these was times that are called golden age of comics where many comics of great quality was being published. However BOZO is one which despite being excellent in quality somehow faded into obscurity and forgotten for a long time.

    But yet it no wonder that these wonderful wordless wonders still bring great joy and sheer cheer to many even today.

    But despite being a great classic of great creative calibre, neither BOZO nor FoXo are much known or remembered these days.

    Spread the word, friends so that BOZO can spread more joy and cheer to many more!

    And yes, yes of course another big thumbs up, big applause, and three cheers once again for the marvellous master cartoonist FoXo’s magnificent masterpiece, the most pleasant picturesque pantomime the ever entertaining ever energetic ever enjoyable ever excellent evergreen entertainer BOZO!

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Nosey. Waiter. COD, odd. That’s a pretty slick con.

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    guenette.charlie(BozoKnows)  about 2 years ago

    1) Watch the birdie as he’s got your nose (as a resting space).

    2) Bozo knows there’s still enough stogie left to smoke!

    3) The deliveryman pulls a fast one on Bozo, and laughs all the way to the bank?

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    Wichita1.0  about 2 years ago

    And thus (strip two) began the Great Fire…

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  12. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member about 2 years ago

    1 A good grip is the sign of a healthy bird. Right Bozo?

    2 Bozo does his bit for Civil Defense.

    3 Postman augmenting the old pension plan.

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    Searcy9320  about 2 years ago

    BOZO 1- I Tawt I Taw a Puddy-Tat, became I Tawt I taw a Perch! BOZO 2- May not be his brand, but waste not want not! BOZO 3- Makes you wonder how long SCAMS like this have gone on. If Bozo gets a chance, some bearded thief is about to get a BRICK WITH HIS NAME ON IT!

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  14. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 2 years ago

    1) FRIENDLY BIRD: At a pet shop Bozo shows a semi-trained bird to a pencil nosed fellow. The bird finds his nose is better than a finger!

    2) S.C.D. WAITS FOR MAN: A smelly cigar smoker tosses it for Bozo to pick it up!

    3) BAITED AND SWITCHED: Bozo gets a delivered gift package—it is empty! The courier takes the actual present to get money back!

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  15. Img 3761
    Zebrastripes  about 2 years ago

    OOOOPS! Wrong perch….

    Make sure that stogy is out!

    Bozo just signed his account away…

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