Chip Bok for March 12, 2021

  1. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 3 years ago

    All the repubs voted against the bill, so they should get zero from it. Right Bok?

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  2. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 3 years ago

    See, the damnable Demoncrats have flat out GIVEN all that money to actual PEOPLE which oughta be some kind of illegal, since it’s obviously immoral. This means that Bok has to make them look as bad as they actually are, and pictures like this are the result.

    $1400 per person for most people EXCEPT the obscenely rich. ☜ REALLY bad idea

    One year of child assistance for folks who need it, so kids won’t go hungry or cold ☜ REALLY bad idea

    Support for states who SHOULD have been saving to cover this disaster (without, of course, raising taxes except on the working poor) ☜ REALLY bad idea

    Making the Demoncrat donkey look like it’s pregnant with octuplets. ☜ FUNNY and SMART

    In honor of Poe’s law (po’ slaw?): This is all  sarcasm.

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  3. Ban crosscheck
    hermit48  over 3 years ago

    Can’t stand to see the working class get a break so LIE like a rug.

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    BE THIS GUY  over 3 years ago

    Of the $1.9T in the American Rescue Act, $350 will go to state and local governments. The vast sum of the remaining $1.55T will benefit individuals and families. Here is the breakdown:


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    T Smith  over 3 years ago

    Majority of Republikkkan voters favor the relief bill, but Republikkkans in congress are repulsed by the thought of assisting working people.

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    sevaar777  over 3 years ago

    Still “Bokked” up from the rethugican kool-aid, huh Chipperoo?

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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 3 years ago

    Every right winger has their’hate American relief’ talking points.

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    Patjade  over 3 years ago

    Baghdad Bok was silent when the Republicans passed the Tax Cut and Spend Scam that cost over twice as much. He was silent when they passed bills increasing the deficit by several more trillion that was designed to help businesses and billionaires. But those were republicans. Democrats passing a bill to actually help people? Baghdad Bok has a meltdown.

    I fully expect Baghdad Bok to refuse his stimulus check and any aid that may come out of this. Ah, who am I kidding?

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    Walrus Gumbo Premium Member over 3 years ago

    The end result of four years of constipation! A good Republican dump should relieve that blockage!!!

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    Ontman  over 3 years ago

    Bok is such a Payne.

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    Zev   over 3 years ago

    Just a small question, Bok. Why do you prefer giving tax money away in unnecessary subsidies to behemoth corporations and industries rather than to the citizens of this country? Sounds downright unpatriotic to me, pinko.

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  12. Desron14
    Masterskrain  over 3 years ago

    Wrong again… As usual.

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    librarylady59  over 3 years ago

    Again I write, conservatives complain about money for state and local gov’ts, for those non-rich folks who need assistance. Lots of “I could have done this whole stimulus better” after the fact.

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    Ivan Araque  over 3 years ago

    Sure, it would’ve been great if the Republicans had done it… #Hypocrites

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    StackableContainers  over 3 years ago

    Republicans wouldn’t need alka seltzer. Because spending large amounts of money doesn’t concern them at all….or to be more accurate, giving large amounts of money to rich people doesn’t bother their stomachs.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member over 3 years ago

    This bill should have been passed in November! But Fancy Pants Pelosi wanted to hurtTrump more than help Americans. She is a total waste of skin!

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  17. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Isn’t it odd how the Republicans only care about spending and the Debt when Democrates run it up.

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    BE THIS GUY  over 3 years ago

    The passage of this bill has led to companies and government agencies to cancel and/or postpone layoffs.


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  19. Athiestsymb
    lobo1939  over 3 years ago

    I don’t understand the visual here. Is the donkey in a shoe?

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    DrDon1  over 3 years ago

    Bok is simply following the lead of Rush and, now, Tucker!

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    jack666 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    “The only governments that need help are the ones run by liberals” You got that exactly backwards, Scout. Red states get far more money from the Federal government than they pay in taxes. Check that out anywhere except the Fox News Almanac.

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  22. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 3 years ago

    All of the hateful Maga’s can return the $1,400 checks that no republican voted for.

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    ferddo  over 3 years ago

    Jealous that the rich not get anything in this stimulus package except some added taxes…

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    ferddo  over 3 years ago

    If you are a loyal Republican, you will stand with your Congressmen and refuse your stimulus check, since it is socialism and raises the national debt.

    If you are a RINO, you will accept your stimulus check and pretend that you never argued against it.

    If you are a loyal Trumper, you will sign your stimulus check over to Trump. After all, he needs money to fight his legal battles and it’s not like he has any money to do that…

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    walfishj  over 3 years ago

    Say thank you Chippo.

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    DenO Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Thank you for bailing out California. Now there will be extra money to increase salaries, fringe benefits and pensions for legislators, bureaucrats, and anyone else that feeds at the public trough.

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    tebc7220  over 3 years ago

    Less than 10% of this bill is anything that can be called Covid relief. The rest is pork to pull blue states and cities out of the financial messes they put themselves in.

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  28. Girlyman throw
    359mxn  over 3 years ago

    The US deficit has increased under every Republican President since WWII and decreased under every Democratic one. Conversely Republicans are deficit hawks during Democratic Presidents and treasury looters during Republican ones.

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