Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for March 30, 2021

  1. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Showdown time!

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  2. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  almost 4 years ago

    Good morningā„¢, friends!

    Finally, Cheesecake manages to get ahold of Aquarius. He appears to still have his cell phone, so I donā€™t know why he never seems to pay much attention to his messages. Daddy Bellum has apparently been in Italy. I wonder if that was for business or just enjoying the money he makes from destroying wilderness areas.

    No view of the pier for Aquarius. Instead, heā€™s relegated to the ā€œBudget Innā€ (or is it the ā€œBudgā€™t Innā€? They canā€™t afford an E). It certainly doesnā€™t seem that Aquarius is skimming funds ā€” he doesnā€™t seem to have much.

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  3. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  almost 4 years ago

    Good morningā„¢, father and child reunion !

    Will Aquarius be able to slip into town and the hotel without being noticed by the law or anyone who would call him in ?

    My question seems to be answered. Kelly is not with Oscar but went down to the car to retrieve her lost phone which must mean the car was unlocked or she wouldnā€™t have gotten in. I donā€™t see Oscar as the type who would let her hold the key but then it is not a Porsche or Lamborghini.

    Provided Alex gets there unimpeded I only see the fireworks growing with intensity when he meets the old man.

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  4. 3c5489f7 fee3 4df6 aca6 bff93749dc57
    artsyguy65  almost 4 years ago

    Unless thatā€™s a Saul Goodman burner phone special, Aquarius is courting disaster by still using his cell phone. He should be assuming the police will be obtaining warrants to track him down using his phoneā€™s location service and/or cell tower triangulation.

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  5. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  almost 4 years ago

    Join us today for another episode of, ā€œAs The Scuzz Turns!ā€ Brought to you by Boredom Cheese, Tracyvilleā€™s finest!

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  6. Sc3070 jeffrey
    Mark Jeffrey Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    This has got to be the most complex story weā€™ve had in years, with all these many characters and storylines meshed together. Iā€™m loving that approach, but I fear it may end as a damp squib like some others.

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  7. Index
    GoComicsGo!  almost 4 years ago

    Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s light and shadow effect on his face?

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  8. Test01b
    Lawrence.S  almost 4 years ago

    Shave the beard, take off the dark glasses, and change your clothes first ā€“ so no one will recognize you.

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  9. Missing large
    thegreatgodqualtechauto  almost 4 years ago

    Seriously thinking that Stephan might be a reformed Scorpio.

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  10. Image
    MuddyUSA  Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Holy crap!

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  11. Unnamed
    Another Take  almost 4 years ago

    1-POWDER: Oh Narky! Finally! Baby needs her candy!

    2-*ā€¦Iā€™ve been reduced to working the lobby but just my luck, theyā€™re hosting the Gay Men Speed Dating Convention here this week.

    3-NARKY: You think you got problems! I kidnapped a suspected killer! And I forgot to clean up after mixing the last batch in the basement! And they got Motorhead Moe in custody! And now you tell me thereā€™s a gas leak! When it rains, it poursā€¦

    POWDER: GOTTA GO! There goes a guy in cargo pants and an old Izod golf shirt! Heā€™s gotta be straight! CLICK

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  12. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    looks like Tyā€™s picture on the front of that newspaperā€¦ā€¦.maybe Lee got ā€œJust the facts, Ham, just the factsā€ out of himā€¦.?

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  13. Picture
    IvanB.Cohen  almost 4 years ago

    ā€œAnd stay with Auntie. Iā€™ll comeā€. If Ty flipped on him at police headquartersā€¦he is a ā€œperson of interestā€ to them. Odds are that he will goā€¦donā€™t want to lose 1312 Bedwellā€¦where else can a criminal enterprise be run with ā€œrespectable surroundingsā€.

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  14. Picture
    IvanB.Cohen  almost 4 years ago

    I see Tiger Lily made the front page of the newspaper. But he doesnā€™t have a press agent yet.

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  15. Picture
    IvanB.Cohen  almost 4 years ago

    Heaven forbid that Pouchā€™s room is also at the Budgt Inn. If so he is probably on the ground floor. Does this place serve a decent continental breakfast?

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  16. Picture
    IvanB.Cohen  almost 4 years ago

    After Aquarius finishes talking to Cheesecake, this goes through his head. ā€™My dad is back in town, my dad is back in town, my dad is back in town, you heard me, my dad is back in town, my dad is back in town, I always did realize that he lives in a high rise, my dad is back in town, my dad is back in town, my dad is back in town, ooh wee says me, my dad is back in town, my dad is back in town, Hendrick Czar play your guitar, daa daa daa, daa daa daa, daa daa,daa, daa daa daa, daa, daa, dun, dun, dunā€¦

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  17. Win 20201204 12 32 23 pro
    oakie817  almost 4 years ago

    hey pick up some chips, dip, couple of six packs; this is tuning into great reunion

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  18. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 4 years ago

    Cheesecake Kelly has retrieved her phone and is taking a call in the lobby from Alex Aquarius. She knows she and Auntie, with Oscar, left The 1312 because of the ā€œgas leak,ā€ but seems unaware that the place has now been looked through by the popo. Alex learns that ā€œBig Daddyā€ Stephan Bellum is back from Italy (? What was he doing there if heā€™s knee-deep in scheming to take over Auntieā€™s land? Was he trying to secure financial backing, perhaps through ā€œprivateā€ channels, if you know what I mean?). Alex will now go to the Pierview, he says, which he can do without the fuzz hassling him, ā€˜cause they are not yet aware of Auntieā€™s location. His problem will be with Big Daddy and maybe Oscar, while Auntie Peggy looks on helplessly. If Cheesy is smart, she will try to stay away from this impending action as far as possible (at least in another room besides Auntieā€™s bedroom, where it is all likely to go down)ā€¦.

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