Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for April 05, 2021

  1. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  almost 4 years ago

    There’s a non baked scheme that wont get off the ground !

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  2. Robson 052 19 05 03  600x600
    More_Cats_Than_Sense  almost 4 years ago

    Monday Means Moggies!

    MMMV!#1 – Sound


    MMMV!#2 – Sound


    MMMV!#3 – Sound




    MMMV!#5 – Sound





















    Bonus Bunnies For Moggy Monday!!











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  3. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  almost 4 years ago

    Quick! We need a Gofundme to get Lily into orbit!

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  4. 16873788307 800b4ae7a8 b
    LastRoseofSummer Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    There is a bunch of people who will chip in to send a certain orange menace… here is my dollar!.

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  5. Missing large
    catmom1360  almost 4 years ago

    Do you mean Chesney. I say no. If you mean a certain individual. I say get over it.

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  6. Me selfie
    markwillman4  almost 4 years ago

    It’s “Cats in Spaaaaaaaaace.” Oh!

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  7. 20230319 170055
    laughingkitty  almost 4 years ago

    I’ve know people that I’d like to send to the moon. but not cats! Not even Lily or Chesney. They may be naughty, but they’re just being cats.

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  8. 20230319 170055
    laughingkitty  almost 4 years ago

    Today is:

    Gold Star Spouses Day. Gold Star Spouses Day on April 5th honors the surviving loved ones of military service members killed in the line of duty.

    National Deep Dish Pizza Day. I’m not big on pizza, so I think I’ll pass on this.

    National Go For Broke Day. “National Go For Broke Day on April 5th encourages us to give it our all. No matter our goal, there’s a reason to persevere despite all the odds.” I like to think I give just about everything my all. If there’s something I need to get done, I do it. One of my mottos is “I don’t take guff from stuff.” Like when I’m adjusting shelves at Walmart. If a shelf refuses to go in where I want it to go in, I use grit and determination and I make the shelf go where I want it to go. No stupid shelf is going to get the better of me!

    National Caramel Day. Maybe I should honor this by making caramel corn. I melt caramels and pour it over popcorn. Yum, yum!

    National Read a Road Map Day. Road maps are hard to find these days. They used to have them in gas stations, but times have changed.

    National Nebraska Day

    National Flash Drive Day

    National Raisin and Spice Bar Day

    First Contact Day. I didn’t know what this was, so I like it up. Here is part of what it said – "First Contact Day on April 5th commemorates a fictional date in the future when an alien species visits Earth and makes contact with Earthlings for the first time.While the fictional date of 2063 is less than half a generation away, mere humans contemplate the possibilities the further we explore space. "

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  9. 20230319 170055
    laughingkitty  almost 4 years ago

    From yesterday’s comments to marilynnbyerly who said, “I’d be more likely to kick my news delivery person than hug him/her because I consider myself blessed if he/she can be bothered to deliver my paper consistently.” I used to have a delivery person like that. Every day that I didn’t get my paper, I called the newspaper office to complain. I didn’t even have to tell them the town I live in. They were getting so many complaints, they knew where I was from and they’d tell me where I lived. I don’t know how the kept their job as long as they did (a few months at least). I have a real good person now.

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  10. Image gl2xu6o8 1679017467894 raw
    Space_cat  almost 4 years ago

    In Space, No one can hear you yowl…

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  11. Head spin
    Billavi Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Name based pricing is the future of air travel. Everyone named Joe flies for $99

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  12. 250
    ladykat Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Before you send Lily into space, contact me. I’ll adopt her.

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  13. 041ce150 741f 443a aa6a 84618520b989 1 201 a
    jessegooddoggy  almost 4 years ago

    As long as you are writing letters, invite Mimuex over for tea.

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  14. Img 0980
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Mars Needs Cats!

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  15. Resized 20210528 163948
    Queen of America  almost 4 years ago

    Not Lily! She’s my spirit guide comic strip form.

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  16. Resized 20210528 163948
    Queen of America  almost 4 years ago

    Without even a second thought, I can think of at least a dozen humans that can go.

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  17. Chai
    Perkycat  almost 4 years ago

    Gee, I wonder who wrote that letter……….

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  18. 20170620 140528
    "Doon the Watter" on the Waverley  almost 4 years ago

    I’m Lily! I would love to go to outer space. Can we have a flight with all Lily’s please?

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  19. Dscf3970  2
    crazeekatlady  almost 4 years ago

    OH NO! Not Elon Musk! His space craft explode!!!!! SAVE THE KITTIES!

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  20.  h366 w650 m6 otrue lfalse
    tad1  almost 4 years ago

    Great pictures today. :)

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  21.  h366 w650 m6 otrue lfalse
    tad1  almost 4 years ago

    Uh oh, if Lily finds out about that letter, she might launch Chesney into orbit! On another note, saw two towhees, two sparrows, a varied thrush, two robins, a pileated woodpecker, a nuthatch, and six juncos while out walking today.

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