Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for April 24, 2021

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    Charks  almost 4 years ago

    Katy’s eyes say it all: True Love for the guy who stands up to Daddy. For once R&W hit one out of the park — Picture Perfect !!! Your move, Senor B?

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    rebroxanna  almost 4 years ago

    I’m sure he will be happy and relieved to hear that. Jerk.

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    Bucky  almost 4 years ago

    P4 So Mr. Burrito…up your nose with a rubber hose!!!

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    Lawrence.S  almost 4 years ago

    I see librarians across the country cutting this out of newspapers their libraries subscribe to and pasting it up on the library refrigerators… Wait, do libraries have refrigerators? Since the computer, internet, and covid it’s been awhile since I was actually in a library.

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    dadjo  almost 4 years ago

    You call that “heated”? Wait until he gets “blowtop” and takes it out on the Frito Burrito!

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    Mr Reality  almost 4 years ago

    Look Burito in all reality , frankly I don’t give a dam what you think . I’m off to the library want to come along ?

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    Irish53  almost 4 years ago

    Instead of just looking stupid, Brito keeps opening his mouth and removing all doubt

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    bearwku82  almost 4 years ago

    P3.5- Lori Petty (Point Break) makes her cameo in today’s episode of Milford Masterpiece Theater, a Quinn Martin Production. Katy- You can’t win Zane, taking on Barely Able and The Flying Burrito Brothers. Remember what Romeo told Tin Cup. Sometimes par is good enough.

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    TheBrownStarfish  almost 4 years ago

    P1, But not for votin’.

    P2, But we had to sell the car.

    P3, Because there’s always this Gomez Addams looking guy in there watching porn on one of the computers for hours!

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    hifirick1953  almost 4 years ago

    Mr Burrito better call an exterminator. Termites have done a lot of damage to that exterior wall

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    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Zane has enough money that he can buy gasoline to drive to the library and to his night job, but he’s still so poor that he has to cut his own hair.

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    Bluedarter  almost 4 years ago

    Even without Gil’s guidance or wrestling moves, Abe is deeply, deeply moved and now HAS to be on the library board, to add computers to keep this kid away from his daughter.

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    Gil-doh!  almost 4 years ago

    Can’t tell in P3 if Katy is caressing Zane(y)’s shoulder as she gazes pitifully at him or if she is holding him back from flying into a rage and attacking old man Burrito as he explains his predicament

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    Snarker formerly known as Rube Whigham  almost 4 years ago

    Zane’s hand is beautifully manicured as he clutches for non-existent pearls!

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    Mopman  almost 4 years ago

    That’s Zane getting “heated”? It looks like he’s barely awake while he spins his tale of woe. He looks very calm and reserved, but I suppose next week Mr. Burrito will be ranting about how disrespectful Zane was. And Katy I guess is trying to calm down his wild ranting, reaching across his plate of weird food with her opposite arm, probably spilling food and getting her sleeve dirty.

    And speaking of dirty, Mopped Up Thorp has a tendency to play dirty at time. Not really today though. Just more weirdness.
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    Irish53  almost 4 years ago

    P 4: “…. you know, mr burrrito…. it’s not all about you….”

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    twainreader  almost 4 years ago

    P-2: petty confusing in print. So he lets his brother and sister use the PC and study… or he lets his brother and sister use the PC and (he omitted the pronoun “I” not before E, but before study). The Pogo creator Walt Kelly had an appropriate poem.

    Do you herd sheep, my Grandma sighed. My Grandpa jumped in fright.

    “That Gramma’s” wrong to me he cried. Have you heard sheep is right.

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    hifirick1953  almost 4 years ago

    The mystery meat from yesterday was cut from the lamp shade

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