Gary Varvel for May 07, 2021

  1. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  about 3 years ago

    This cartoon means nothing. Varvel heard the word “woke” and was told it was liberal, so it’s bad! He has no idea what it means. Or what the CIA is doing.

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  2. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Varvel is upset that the DOJ and CIA no longer work for the Rump.

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    scote1379 Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Just because the CIA does not blow there own horn does not mean they are not good at what they do !

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    WilliamWilliam  about 3 years ago

    If the CIA blew their own horn they would not be good at what they do.

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  5. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 3 years ago

    I guess Varvel misses the old days of assassinations and peddling LSD to Americans and other MAGA things like that.

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    monya_43  about 3 years ago

    When I see that Varvel has a new cartoon, I think what stupid idea is he spouting now? He doesn’t disappoint.

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    Odon Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Well this toon does show ignorance.

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    suzalee  about 3 years ago

    I’d rather be “woke” than asleep.

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    thebashfulone  about 3 years ago

    He gets paid for this stuff!

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  10. Homoerectus
    fusilier  about 3 years ago

    Since the Treasonous Orange Shitegibbon (h/t our Scots friends) denied and distorted everything the Three Letter Agencies told him….


    James 2:24

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    Tzinger   about 3 years ago

    Hateful, immoral, useless.

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    rmfrye Premium Member about 3 years ago

    I thought ignorance was your purview Gary.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Could be a fine logo for the education system in the United States

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    Patjade  about 3 years ago

    And now Varvel has earned the Henry hashtag #JustPaynestupid.

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    ncorgbl  about 3 years ago

    ‘WOKE’, much like ‘politically correct’, is simply showing common courtesy for our fellow American. If you think that all Americans are equal, then you would support the principles of both. If, however, you prefer ethnic name calling, bigoted remarks and/or racist hate speech, along with honoring enemies of the U.S. by monuments, statues and namesakes, then I’d suggest you use your rights guaranteed by our constitution to pack up and leave this country. WE, the People will repair this fault born of ignorance soon.

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    The Nodding Head  about 3 years ago

    “Woke” replaced “politically correct” as the favorite right wing talking point and conservatives are the only ones interested.

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    ferddo  about 3 years ago

    Trumpers still trust Russian intelligence over the CIA… and they’re proud of it…

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  18. Triumph
    Daeder  about 3 years ago

    Remember when the GQP was the party of ‘law and order’?

    I guess they only wanted to be the party of law and order that maintains discriminatory hiring practices. Which makes a twisted kind of sense. How else are they going to consistently hire people who are willing to murder citizens in the street.

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    GiantShetlandPony  about 3 years ago

    Trump likely compromised a lot of CIA missions, and very likely got many killed. The CIA has done wrong, but they have done far more good. They certainly didn’t need a president giving our enemies in Moscow sensitive information harming our intelligence agencies ability to keep not only their agents safe, but all Americans safe.

    It will be decades before much of this is unclassified so we can understand the entire scope of what Trump and his did to harm America.

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  20. Tf 117
    RAGs  about 3 years ago

    Varvel and the other pseudo-conservatives work hard at forgetting how Trump checked with Putin before accepting anything U.S. intelligence agencies told him.

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  21. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 3 years ago

    Varvel proves he is unwoke.

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    b.john71  about 3 years ago

    The bird depicted should be a Dodo

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    briangj2  about 3 years ago

    @mr_sherman a repost:

    ’KGB’ stands for ‘Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti’ in Russian. When translated to English, it literally means ’State Security Committee.

    The KGB was abolished in 1991, soon after its Chairman, Vladimir Kryuchkov, led the failed August 1991 coup against Mikhail Gorbachev. Today, Russia’s internal security organisation is called the FSB (Federal Security Service), and its external intelligence agency is called the SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service).

    KGB was an overarching structure, all security/intelligence services under a single roof.

    FSB, on the other hand, is a more modern specialised service, a successor of only a small part of functions of KGB.

    Without going into too much detail KGB consisted (by 1991) of the following main services:

    1st Chief Directorate (foreign intelligence). Successor service – SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service).

    2nd Chief Directorate (counterintelligence). Successor service is FSB (Federal Security Service).

    3rd Chief Directorate (military counterintelligence). Successor service is FSB, Counterintelligence Service, Military counterintelligence department.

    4th Directorate (Counterintelligence support of transport and communications). Successor service is FSB, Economical Security Division, Department “T”.

    6th Directorate (Counterintellignece support in the economy). Successor service is FSB, Economical Security Division, Department “P”.

    7th Directorate (field surveilance). Was passed on to FSB, but does not exist anymore.

    8th Chief Directorate (cyphering/decyphering). Successor service is FAPSI (Federal Agency of Government Communication and Information).

    (To be continued)

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    briangj2  about 3 years ago


    12th Department (audio monitoring). Was passed on to FSB, but does not exist anymore.

    15th Chief Directorate (maintenance of reserve wartime governmental command posts). Successor service – GUSP (Chef Directorate of Presidential Special Programs).

    16th Directorate (electronic intelligence). Successor service is FAPSI.Security service (government officials personal protection). Successor service is FSO (Federal Protection Service).

    Directorate “Z (З)” (Defence of the constitutional order). Disbanded, but a similar Counterterrorist and Constitutional Order Protection Service has been later created from scratch in the FSB; It is not, however, a direct successor.

    Directorate “OP (ОП)” (Fighting organised crime). Functions have been transferred around since 1990s, having been in the hands of the police (MVD) most of the time, but a few years back the job was transferred to FSB.

    Directorate “SCh” (Special forces). Disbanded, armed forces returned to the Ministry of Defence.Chief Directorate of the Border Guards. Successor service is FSB, Border Guards Service.

    Govenment Communications Directorate. Successor service is FAPSI.

    So, overall we can summarize the above like that: KGB had six major functions – 1) internal security, 2) counterintelligence, 3) government protection, 4) foreign intelligence 5) communications and electronic operations and 6) border guards.

    Of those six major functions FSB inherited internal security, border guards and counterintelligence; FSO inherited officials protection; SVR – foreign intelligence and FAPSI inherited communications and electronics.

    (To be concluded)

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    briangj2  about 3 years ago


    So main difference between KGB and FSB is that while KGB was all clandestine operations of USSR under one roof and command structure, FSB is a specialised service focused on internal operations, counterintelligence and counterterrorism. In its structure, functions and way of operation FSB is closer to an advanced police force with some extra functions, while KGB was more of a classical secret service.

    Using US special services analogy, we can say that KGB was like CIA+NSA+Secret Service (plus all other lesser intelligence agencies combined)Border Guards, while FSB is anlogous to FBIthe counterintelligence half of CIA.

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    briangj2  about 3 years ago

    Originally, named Cheka, an abbreviation of “The All-Russian Emergency Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage,” after the Czar’s secret police and headed by Felix Dzerzhinsky.

    The next incarnation was OGPU (the “Joint State Political Directorate Under the Council of People’s Commissars of the U.S.S.R.”

    In 1934. it became the NKVD (The People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs) and lasted until 1946.

    During the Second World War, it was briefly referred to as SMERSH (short for the Russian phrase “smert shpionom,” or “death to spies”). This is where Ian Fleming took the name.

    After the end of World War II and before his execution, Lavrenty Beria presided over the Soviet security apparatus. Most of the time, this body was known as the MGB (The Ministry for State Security), sometimes as the NKGB (The Peoples’ Commissariat for State Security).

    Only after the death of Stalin did the KGB, or Commissariat for State Security, formally come into being.

    Today, Russia is dominated by two security agencies, the FSB (The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation) and the SVR (The Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation).

    The GRU, abbreviation of Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravlenie, (Russian: Chief Intelligence Office), Soviet military intelligence organization was started in 1942.

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    nz4m60  about 3 years ago

    Gary, I just stopped you waisting my time. I unfollowed you.

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    gcottay  about 3 years ago

    Wow, this one is even more ignorant than usual.

    (I’m so old I remember some great conservative editorial cartoonists.)

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  29. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  about 3 years ago

    Um. OK, it’s Varvel. But wtf?

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    My First Premium Member about 3 years ago

    That recruiting video is just plain embarrassing. I’m sure Korea, China and Russia are just terrified.

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  31. Sulky chatin
    cwg  about 3 years ago

    This is almost correct, just needs changing of America to Socialism.

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    alex Coke Premium Member about 3 years ago


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  33. Girlyman throw
    359mxn  about 3 years ago

    Unlike Gary the men and women of the CIA rsik their lives every day to protect the freedom of all Americans.

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