When this strip was first running, I never saw what a wanker Paul really was… Every strip so far has him yelling at Buckles simply for doing what dogs do, bossing everyone around, demanding his way or the highway… I can’t recall if he gets better, but boy, not sure it’s worth slogging through to get to when it gets funny. What a whiny sod.
My husband liked them, taught me ways to cook them that I liked. Not a favorite but more than edible. That’s how I discovered I am allergic to them. Ah-Choo!!
dadthedawg Premium Member over 3 years ago
A chip off the old block…..
BigDaveGlass over 3 years ago
Known in the UK as ‘Butter Beans’…..
Dani Rice over 3 years ago
This and sauerkraut are the only two veggies I truly don’t like. No matter how lima beans are prepared, they always seem dry to me.
Nyckname over 3 years ago
Why doesn’t Red Cross Disaster Relief serve corn with lima beans?
Something something suffering succourtash.
prairiedogdance Premium Member over 3 years ago
When this strip was first running, I never saw what a wanker Paul really was… Every strip so far has him yelling at Buckles simply for doing what dogs do, bossing everyone around, demanding his way or the highway… I can’t recall if he gets better, but boy, not sure it’s worth slogging through to get to when it gets funny. What a whiny sod.
CaveCat87 over 3 years ago
My favorite vegetables are broccoli, spinach, peas, cucumbers, green beans, carrots, and green bell peppers.
maureenmck Premium Member over 3 years ago
I’m with Paul and Buckles: Eww! Lima beans!
buflogal! over 3 years ago
My husband liked them, taught me ways to cook them that I liked. Not a favorite but more than edible. That’s how I discovered I am allergic to them. Ah-Choo!!
stillfickled Premium Member over 3 years ago
Yeah, Buckles!!! My other comic site dropped him. Now I’m going to catch up! I luv buckles!