Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for May 26, 2021

  1. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  almost 4 years ago
    Why do you ask? ✨
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  2. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Umm, carrying out the contract he was hired to do? Maybe? What’s your game? Besides one-card solitaire that is.

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  3. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  almost 4 years ago

    Good morning™, faithful readers!

    As I was saying yesterday (which buckman-j labelled too obvious), 10 of Spades is trying to figure out what Kadaver is up to. I’m not 100% sure that 10 of Spades followed Kadaver to the theatre, but I guess that buckman said yesterday that that is also obvious. (Charlie sure is enjoying his “make-a-wish”.)

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  4. Jonah hex graphic
    jonahhex1  almost 4 years ago

    Does the Ten of Spades have a contract on Kadaver?

    Leave us not forget – Ace of Spades didn’t believe Kadaver would give up his quest to kill Dick Tracy….and Kadaver did fail his first try to take out Charlie 21 which puts the Apparatus in a really bad spot.

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  5. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  almost 4 years ago

    Good morning™, players and slayers !

    Charlie is enjoying his last performance. In this age of feel good Sam’s new hat will take one for the team while Ab and Rikki steam roller Ten in their haste to get away.

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  6. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  almost 4 years ago

    10 to 1 Abner dies!

    Then comes back by 2023!

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  7. Idano
    Ida No  almost 4 years ago

    On the plus side, in the theater, all the bad guys just look like supporting characters in costume. Not at all suspicious. But that Cadaver guy looks like he needs a touch-up. Make-up!

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  8. Picture
    ERBEN2  over 3 years ago

    I’m sorry , but I’m confused ( BIG TIME ) just what is going to happen I wonder ? But as usual really great imagery today . I will admit that I’m missing Rikki .

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  9. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  over 3 years ago

    You don’t get out much, do ya Charlie 21?

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  10. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  over 3 years ago

    note both guards are looking at the stage, abner could get charlie like they got lincoln.

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  11. Test01b
    Lawrence.S  over 3 years ago

    A question of perspective, but where are Tracy, Charlie, and Sam sitting? A theater is not empty at the dress rehearsal, there are a number of people out there watching, so at first I thought those dark images behind them were others seeing the rehearsal. But that’s the reflections/shadows of Tracy and Charlie. They’re sitting with a mirror behind them? That will keep Abner from seeing them and protect Charlie from the ineffective darts. They’re seated in the very back row for their shadows to be so small relative to their size? And Charlie will be protected because they’re under the booth from which Abner would be shooting. I would have imagined they’d be down in front and not at the back of the theater – did the artist find shadows/reflections easier to draw than empty seats?

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  12. Index
    GoComicsGo!  over 3 years ago

    Wasn’t when the contract given on C21 the impression given or the suggestion here was that Abner was going to be a liability that was going to be taken care of? So possibly after he’s done he gets done in by 10S?

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  13. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  over 3 years ago

    Three people in odd costumes not associated with the play at a theater with a lot of backstage employees isn’t going to attract attention at all.

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  14. Photo 1
    The Real Zarth Arn  over 3 years ago

    I don’t remember there being a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle in “The Tempest”.

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  15. D3109feb b108 4281 84b0 b9c384bc7f45
    CynthiaLeigh  over 3 years ago

    I thought Flintheart was supposed to be a hammy scenery-chewer.

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  16. Missing large
    buckman-j  over 3 years ago

    Thanks again Neil, now I don’t have to read it twice.

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  17. Unnamed
    Another Take  over 3 years ago

    1-SUGAR DADDY: WAIT! ARE WE DOING The Hunchback Of Notre Dame ? Uh oh…

    2-CHARLIE SNITCHIE: How versatile! Sugar just switched from The Tempest to The Hunchback Of Notre Dame NOW THAT’S TALENT IN ACTION!

    3-TEN: SILA WETTE, JAUNTEE SILA WETTE! SILA WETTE, JANUNTEE PLUMA RAY!!! That girl just brings out the French in me! GRRRR-RUFFFF!

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  18. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member over 3 years ago

    People have been suggesting that 10 followed Abner. I guess it’s possible if the ?? has to do with seeing Rikki there, but Abner meeting her somewhere shouldn’t be too big of a surprise. I think 10 is there independently and is surprised to see them.

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  19. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Maybe the “21” in Charlie 21 stands for a dimension, and all the Charlies in all the dimensions must be eliminated. The 10 of Spades is here hunting his Charlie and is confused why Abner is involved, since, in his dimension, Abner is DEAD!

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  20. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 3 years ago

    What is most puzzling about this Backstage Baddies Business is Ten of Spades’ puzzlement. What the heck is he doing there at all if he has no idea what Kadaver and his trusty henchlady might be about? Does he have some similar mission assigned by the Apparatus but no idea that Kadaver and Rikki are (also) on the job? Or did Flintheart and Company actually hire Ten of Spades on a fluke as one of their stagehands?

    ’Tis a puzzlement too, truly, for this Bear of Little Brain….

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  21. Udog 1
    ScottHolman  over 3 years ago

    Rikki…Honey…I’m here for ya baby! What do you see in Abner?

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