Bob Gorrell for June 01, 2021

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    sipsienwa Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Not nearly as faulty as the twice impeached treasonous sleazebag.

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    ImDaRealAni  about 3 years ago

    Gorrell is extracting wrong ideas from much more elaborate messages and completely eliminating any parameter to these messages. (When they were said, what was the current state of the pandemic, possibility vs probability, and many more…)

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  3. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 3 years ago

    It’s a hoax. The virus will magically disappear. Inject bleach to cure it. I choose not to wear a mask. I don’t take any responsibility. Guess who I’m talking about. He then went on to hold rallies and spread the virus through the White house.

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    RAGs  about 3 years ago

    Fauci goes by what ever scientific information is currently available, Pseudo-conservatives go by what ever helps their own pocket-books.

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    Concretionist  about 3 years ago

    That’s purely what they used to pay my stepson to shovel out of the stall. Not that Gorrell cares for truth, logic or any of the “higher mental faculties”.

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  6. Triumph
    Daeder  about 3 years ago

    Bob thinks that unless we can have a pandemic that exists in a perfectly static state, he doesn’t think it’s worthwhile listening to anyone who has dedicated their life to the study of deadly diseases.

    What a maroon.

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    braindead Premium Member about 3 years ago

    “We WANT them infected!”


    There, Gorrell. Straight from The Messiah.

    So much simpler for those with Trump Disciple analysis skills.

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    hermit48  about 3 years ago

    Put these on a timeline and maybe they will make more sense to you.

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    LookingGlass Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Must be some strong STOOPID going on in Booby-Boi’s head!!


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    lopaka  about 3 years ago

    Bob, please help Dr. Fauci out. Show him the way. I know you can….snerk

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    baroden Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Really? You can’t be that stupid. After all, you fell for Trump’s word salad for four years.

    Fauci’s comments evolved as they learned more about COVID. Only an idiot sticks to a point when the data says otherwise.

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    Patjade  about 3 years ago

    Goofy Gorrell apparently doesn’t understand that actions and advice changes as the situation does and understanding does. In Gorrell’s books, the earth is still flat, the center of the universe, with a bright ball being chased by a dimmer one across a fabric of sky with pinprick holes in it. Thus was the way it was first postulated and you dare not change it because that would be heresy!

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    DrPawl  about 3 years ago

    “Ok, you can give it a little gas. Ok, that’s enough. Not too fast. "

    “There’s a stop sign ahead, so take your foot off off the gas. You gotta brake, now. Look both ways. Ok, give it some gas. There’s a car coming, so go a little faster.”

    “Ok, it’s raining. The road’s wet, so you need to slow down. No, no, don’t brake, just take your foot off the gas! Braking now might cause you to start slipping! It’s called hydroplaning, have you ever heard of that? Yeah?”…

    -Example of me giving my son conflicting information when he was learning to drive.

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    Zebrastripes  about 3 years ago

    The CDC and the world, was dealing with an UNKOWN virus….as they researched and discovered more info, facts changed daily, to be on the safe side…and if anyone had a brain this WOULDN’T have to be said…

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  15. Hacking dog original
    J Short  about 3 years ago

    Why everyone thinks this guy is the only guy on the subject. The Great and Powerful Oz has spoken…ignore that man behind the curtain. Fauci has been covering his ass since day one; the proverbial fox guarding the hen house.

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    moderateisntleft  about 3 years ago

    The Right wingers aren’t drinking the kool-aid any more. They’re drinking the bleach. Isn’t that right Bobby-boy?

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    Retrac Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Dr. Fauci is our leading expert with decades of experience in infectious disease control. His protocol should not have to be learned with every new epidemic. The Chinese people know from experience that masks, social distancing, et al, are keys to controlling spread. Fauci should also have known better science. Trump had no experience – not an excuse, just a comparison.

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    librarylady59  about 3 years ago

    Please, Gorrell, list any person who had past experience with Covid 19 and knew exactly what was going on with the pandemic. Scientists and the medical people follow(ed) the science which, as an educated person knows, changes. Please, Gorrell, explain to me what happened to the Pandemic Playbook Pres Obama’s admin showed the incoming “admin”. If I remember correctly, president trump and his minions tossed it in the garbage because their racism and hatred for the nonwhite Obama overruled any concern for the American people.

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    Radish the wordsmith  about 3 years ago

    Its all Fauci’s fault that covid spreading Trump and the republicans are unmitigated liars.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Wrong! Dr. Fauci is a magnificent tap dance. He outshine Ford Astair and Gene Kelly.

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    DrDon1  about 3 years ago

    Either Gorrell is trying to “out-stupid” Payne or he is imitating ( flattering ) Sen. Rand Paul with his obsession against Dr. Fauci ( or both ) !

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    MaryBethJavorek1  about 3 years ago

    good to know that you are so much smarter than the educated. Did you go to Trump U?

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    B 8671  about 3 years ago

    I’ll listen to this gentleman before I listen to the dictator wannabe herr trump of any of his gestapo.

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    preacherman Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Look here, Bob, it’s the really dumb “experts” that never change their opinion when faced with new data. This coronavirus is novel for a reason and there’s bound to be more information coming out as time goes on. We won’t know the long term effects of the vaccines for years yet. Do you actually think Dr. Fauci should already know that?

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  25. Frank
    Frankfreak  about 3 years ago

    Open the windows, close the windows, turn on the heater, turn off the heater, open the windows, close the windows, turn on the air conditioner, turn off the air conditioner.

    As conditions change, so does the response.

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    StackableContainers  about 3 years ago

    Things are easier to make fun of when you think in binary.

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  27. Odin
    Holden Awn  about 3 years ago

    The facts of Covid have remained the same but Fauci’s advice HAS changed over time – demonstrating that though facts remain unchanged, opinions and interpretations about those facts can be varied. One piece of advice Fauci has adamantly and consistently given is: “dig a hole in your yard, climb in, cover yourself up, and we’ll let you know when it’s safe to climb out”.

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    DrDon1  about 3 years ago

    ^ Do you ever read your comment before you hit “send?”

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    GiantShetlandPony  about 3 years ago

    It’s a new virus. It was better to err on the side of caution than not.

    Frankly with all the Covidiots out there, even fully vaccinated I just don’t want to be anywhere they may be.

    Much as the virus may have been being studied at the lab when China recognized the problem, chances are above average that the outbreak in China didn’t start at the lab. I would look for a rural community near there that often brought wild meat to the market. Then I would see if one had suffered above average deaths before the outbreak in Wuhan. That scenario makes the most sense.

    As for trying to cover up the problem, well that is something many of the southern states have in common with China. Pretty sure all states will have to adjust to make sense of excess deaths not reported as Covid from last year and perhaps into this year. I’m thinking more than not red states have under reported the most.

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  30. Gradinggorrell 01
    GradingGorrell  about 3 years ago


    over a year into the pandemic, Gorrell finally draws Dr. Fauci

    Varvel already beat you to this talking point:

    As everyone else has already pointed out, this is how science works, Gorrell, you have a hypothesis, you collect data, and then you either confirm your hypothesis or reach a new one.

    Yes, guidance changed as we learned more about the virus(and also due to a significant portion of the country not following the guidance at all).

    The right is really trying to push the narrative that China created the virus as a weapon like it will somehow absolve the Trump administration from their terrible response to it. Let’s say it was a terrorist attack. You’re just admitting you did nothing to stop it, and instead allowed over half a million American’s to die, because wearing a mask or staying home was just to inconvenient for you, all while we all still take off our shoes and belts, put our laptops in separate bins, and throw away liquids over 6oz to help stop terrorism. But no, wearing a piece of cloth over our face while we go to the grocery store to help someone not die a torturous death alone in a hospital was just too much to ask of Americans.

    The reason the pandemic lasted over a year was due to the people who half-assed or flat out refused to follow guidance, thus ruining everything for the rest of us who avoided visiting family for a year. it’s the reason kids couldn’t go back to school, the reason people can’t go back to work, the reason many businesses did not survive. Was it worth it? Was the ‘fReEdOm To NoT wEaR a MaSk’ worth all this?

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    ferddo  about 3 years ago

    Odd how alt-rights expect Fauci to be 100% correct 100% of the time, and insist upon taking his advice out of context (and refuse to allow him to change his advice as we learn more about how to combat the pandemic), and even attack Fauci when he is relaxing his message towards what they want to hear… yet those alt-rights still believe that a President who lied over 30,000 times is completely trustworthy…

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    ncorgbl  about 3 years ago

    Dr. Fauci gave us honest and factual updates, recommendations and status of a living and changing entity in the virus. To fail to comprehend that the virus is a living and evolving thing is pure ignorance.

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  33. Daffy duck
    walkingmancomics  about 3 years ago

    What Gorrell apparently doesn’t understand (or, more likely, overlooks) is that science is a constantly changing, improving state, so that as more is learned, change is necessary, and, most often, for the improvement of a situation.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member about 3 years ago

    America outsources all its dangerous work.. and now is complaining that “perhaps” their projects got out of hand and created a boo-boo. Going forward, do it (your own research) yourself if you think you can do better.

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  35. Frank
    Frankfreak  about 3 years ago

    And #45 was there trying to make the good Dr. say what he wanted said, Tho it was not the truth.

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    AndrewSihler  about 3 years ago

    Fauci’s missteps have to do with the way scientific inquiry works. Trumpo’s missteps have to do with the Voice of Binky.

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    pamela welch Premium Member about 3 years ago

    This is how science and not just science, life too, works Bob! You learn as you go — why is that so difficult for you to understand???

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    grumpypophobart  about 3 years ago

    And I guess Bob gets confused when he goes to see his own doctor too.

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    tauyen  about 3 years ago

    Who says the GOP can’t learn – they’ve learned they can’t beat the science so now they’re trashing the scientists. If ignorance is bliss, they most be positively euphoric.

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    TomTab2  about 3 years ago

    If the Qupublicans had just shut up, worn a mask as asked, and stayed inside for 8 weeks back in April of 2020, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Can you say sycophant cartoonist?

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    mysterysciencefreezer  about 3 years ago

    Because scientists should pick a lane and stick with it, no matter what new info comes along, yes?

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    apfelzra Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Scientists, and lay people, are entitled to change their minds and opinions as new scientific evidence or facts emerge. That’s just what Dr. Fauci and many other wise and educated scientists have done. It is ignorant people such as Mr. Gorrell who insist that those to whom he would look for explanations for new and often frightening disease phenomena must be correct at first and always.

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    mikeaht  about 3 years ago

    Fauci used his insistence on bulletproof studies to justify his mulish slowness in response to the AIDS crisis, including his fateful hesitancy to authorize therapeutic treatments for the diseases that were killing those who suffered from AIDS. Gay men turned to “buyers’ clubs” to get the drugs that their own desperate research indicated they needed. 10’s of thousands of Americans died due to his slowness.

    We now find out that Fauci argued the benefits of Gain-of-Function Research would outweigh a pandemic risk in 2012 paper. Fauchi testified before congress his organization had not ever funded gain of function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, [WIV]. However a research article written by WIV scientists, “Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus”, for example, qualifies as gain-of-function and was clearly a product of NIH-funding. The Obama administration stopped Gain-of-Function Research. Fauci consulted the Office of Science and Technology Policy, which is part of the White House to restart funding, but the White House put a pause on it and Fauci himself undid the pause and therefor may be partially culpable for unleashing the pandemic!!!

    Do you still think of Flip-Flop Fauci as some kind of Pandemic Hero?

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