Without Solar Power they wouldn’t be there. The Sun (Solar Power) causes water to evaporate (forming water vapor in the air). It causes air to rise to a level where it cools and condenses forming clouds (made of water droplets and ice crystals). If/when the weight of combined cloud crystals/droplets becomes heavy enough, they may become precipitation – which may be snow if it is cold enough. [Also involved is the unequal heating of the rotating earth by the sun producing air pressure systems and winds.]
But of course solar power from the sun can also melt the snow – hence the conflict.
FreihEitner Premium Member about 3 years ago
Well you can’t give them solar panel eyes.
Doug K about 3 years ago
Without Solar Power they wouldn’t be there. The Sun (Solar Power) causes water to evaporate (forming water vapor in the air). It causes air to rise to a level where it cools and condenses forming clouds (made of water droplets and ice crystals). If/when the weight of combined cloud crystals/droplets becomes heavy enough, they may become precipitation – which may be snow if it is cold enough. [Also involved is the unequal heating of the rotating earth by the sun producing air pressure systems and winds.]
But of course solar power from the sun can also melt the snow – hence the conflict.
stillfickled Premium Member about 3 years ago
We moved into a house with solar panels- what a BIG difference with our elec. bill!
MichaelAxelFleming about 3 years ago
Perhaps they should look into cold fusion . . . .
Karptaz about 3 years ago
It can still work. I still get quite a bit of power from my solar panels in the winter and it is still cold out.
Gent about 3 years ago
Looks like one of em typical activists.
DM2860 about 3 years ago
Why? Solar power cells convert solar rays into electricity that would otherwise be converted into heat.
tiomax about 3 years ago
Why the conflict? Put up enough solar panels and they’ll provide you with shade and electricity to freely run air conditioning!
thejanith Premium Member about 3 years ago
It’s like those people who complain to get speed limits raised and then complain about higher accident rates.
cuzinron47 about 3 years ago
Especially with all that coal on you.
Jeffin Premium Member about 3 years ago
Nothing kills my solar production like a couple inches of snow.
Grayhair, The Pirate Formerly Known as Tom Powell Premium Member about 3 years ago
“Somebody’s gotta tell him!”