Mike du Jour by Mike Lester for January 16, 2022

  1. Large img 1691
    Zykoic  almost 3 years ago

    Good one!

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  2. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    I am appalled that we have reached a state where anti-racists now agree with the worst racists that the most important fact about someone is the color of their skin. Did MLK die for nothing?

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  3. Boston
    MS72  almost 3 years ago

    Bacon, eggs & toast. Along with a cup of coffee. I’m good.

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  4. Jim and janet bridge selfie
    jandjdevore  almost 3 years ago

    Got the coffee but thinking about making some blueberry pancakes. The snow has stopped here in NC and the ice hasn’t started. The newspaper lady got the paper here early and we still have power. Got the fireplace going and just waiting for a certain former official to be arrested and thrown in jail or out of the country. Maybe some sort of jail on a satellite! Yeah, that would be the ticket. I wonder if Tesla can do that?

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  5. Ciderndonuts
    awittbek Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Say “Please.”

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  6. Bulldog backdrop
    po'dawg  almost 3 years ago

    Freddie Gray was a stellar guy. I hope justice is served for Ms. Mosby.

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    Brent Rosenthal Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Wonderful strip

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  8. April older
    Lola85 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Character, not color of skin. So simple, but so difficult for so many to live by. Think of how much better this world would be if everyone practiced what MLK preached.

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    gammaguy  almost 3 years ago

    “Pass the salt and pepper.”

    I passed that long ago. My hair has been all white for a decade.

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