The GoatKomixs censor used to work for the Federal Bureau of Redaction, Reduction, & Rash Reaction … until it became the office of Truth Redaction Using Media Proscription.
At this point, Amphitrite had several options, as to how to view events. First, there was the obvious one, that she had entirely lost her ever-lovin’ mind and was loony toons around the bend. Then there was the possibility of an invisible fish ACTUALLY biting her nose and talking to her now. And lastly, this might be a dream of some sort. She had already ruled out a reaction to some unintentionally ingested “medicinals” by this point. Since Mr. Ossifin had noticed something, it wasn’t all in her mind. And, since Mr. Ossifin was there, it probably wasn’t a dream. She rejected that possibility will great force. The simplest explanation was that there actually was something beyond her understanding, and that her new friend was not only real, but also perceptive, voluble and personable. Going with the best case, for now, she formed the vocal thought of, “He is that. And you are being kind to not say more of him.” The fish, quite suddenly, was then gone from her nose.
Eagleskies Premium Member about 3 years ago
Bravo T! Gotta love these two. Shared secret.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 3 years ago
What has been has been.
Let us move on to the comics plunder to come!
Linguist about 3 years ago
The GoatKomixs censor used to work for the Federal Bureau of Redaction, Reduction, & Rash Reaction … until it became the office of Truth Redaction Using Media Proscription.
*Space Madness at The Station* about 3 years ago
There’s always, “The Second Date”.
Zapbessacarr about 3 years ago
Why pick on Scott Baio?
Plods with ...™ about 3 years ago
Yes please
Howard'sMyHero about 3 years ago
The secret woid is “Chachi” …!
tudza Premium Member about 3 years ago
READ – Redaction Extraction Abstraction Department
Ninette about 3 years ago
Too bad, red acted and blue flu. Alternatively, chew a gluten enhanced pant cuff. Extra inorganic!
coltish1 about 3 years ago
Redaction implies inaction. Block the clear signal, and convert to the liminal what used to be clear. And subversive.
coltish1 about 3 years ago
No more signs to wait for, since 2012.
willie_mctell about 3 years ago
Scott who?
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 3 years ago
At this point, Amphitrite had several options, as to how to view events. First, there was the obvious one, that she had entirely lost her ever-lovin’ mind and was loony toons around the bend. Then there was the possibility of an invisible fish ACTUALLY biting her nose and talking to her now. And lastly, this might be a dream of some sort. She had already ruled out a reaction to some unintentionally ingested “medicinals” by this point. Since Mr. Ossifin had noticed something, it wasn’t all in her mind. And, since Mr. Ossifin was there, it probably wasn’t a dream. She rejected that possibility will great force. The simplest explanation was that there actually was something beyond her understanding, and that her new friend was not only real, but also perceptive, voluble and personable. Going with the best case, for now, she formed the vocal thought of, “He is that. And you are being kind to not say more of him.” The fish, quite suddenly, was then gone from her nose.
Sisyphos about 3 years ago
We have seen the Unredacted Version, and they are us!
Are Froglandians really such sensitive souls that they can’t even enjoy a tasty bit of slanderous gossip?
gigagrouch about 3 years ago
Better a has-been than a never-was, i guess…
painedsmile about 3 years ago
Redacted? Why?