It could be a cries from horror movie scene with a full moon, or CNN calling for Mr Blitzer, or some canines on Animal Planet, or the Little-Boy-Who-Cried Channel.
For some reason, this strip reminded me of the Muppet Classic Theater version of The Boy who cried Wolf. The villagers all responded with the song, “Who do you think you’re fooling? Yeah, right, sure!” Knee-jerk news portraying every development as the latest disaster, is causing people to ignore real things that are happening.
Templo S.U.D. almost 3 years ago
Must be.
quixotic3 almost 3 years ago
Too soon for pandemic jokes.
blunebottle almost 3 years ago
Spot on! I’m saving this one.
Doug K almost 3 years ago
It could be a cries from horror movie scene with a full moon, or CNN calling for Mr Blitzer, or some canines on Animal Planet, or the Little-Boy-Who-Cried Channel.
Jeffin Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Boy. I cried wolf once.
Doug Taylor Premium Member almost 3 years ago
It’s the Blitzer variant.
Michael Helwig almost 3 years ago
They need Blitzer?
Scoutmaster77 almost 3 years ago
Well, it it’s a certain channel (starts with F, ends with X) it must be BS. :-D
Ray Helvy Premium Member almost 3 years ago
For some reason, this strip reminded me of the Muppet Classic Theater version of The Boy who cried Wolf. The villagers all responded with the song, “Who do you think you’re fooling? Yeah, right, sure!” Knee-jerk news portraying every development as the latest disaster, is causing people to ignore real things that are happening.
j4m35 almost 3 years ago
Why did Chinese President Xi not want the latest variant named after him?Because it is wimpy.