Lisa Benson for January 27, 2022

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    RAGs  over 2 years ago

    So, Lisa, what is your solution?

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    quixotic3  over 2 years ago

    Putin’s trying to hold on to his corrupt regime, and Tucker and trump supporters are rooting for him.

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    suv2000  over 2 years ago


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    chris.lemarie  over 2 years ago

    Not sure it’s that big a grenade. See, they don’t give the gas for free. And they don’t really have alternative sources of income. So how long they could cut if off remains to be seen. Meanwhile, Europeans are preparing plans B, and Spring is approaching.

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    DrPawl  over 2 years ago

    This is an uncharacteristically nonpartisan cartoon by Lisa Benson that accurately illustrates a pressing geopolitical concern. I think we could all take break from partisanship today and think about solutions.

    I tend to think that Germany unwisely abandoned its nuclear energy program a few years ago in the wake of the Fukushima disaster in Japan. This has left it in a vulnerable position, dependent overmuch on Russian gas.

    For the short term, I wonder if the US could contemplate supplying Germany with natural gas. Do we have the capacity?

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    artegal  over 2 years ago

    It’s alright. The pin is still in.

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    Diane Lee Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Why not have an election instead of a war. Russia believes that about half of Ukraine should never have been Ukraine in the first place. The people in those areas speak Russian, and would possibly vote to become part of Russia if given a choice. So, elections, monitored by Russian and NATO forces. Those areas that choose to become Russian, become Russia. Those people living in those areas who want to move to Ukraine, buy them out. It’s got to be cheaper to do that then to fight a war.

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    preacherman Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Yes, Lisa, it is a bad and potentially explosive situation. But, even if the EU removes Russia’s gas from the equation, that doesn’t mean the pin would be pulled. Unfortunately, what we have in Russia is a Stalin-like leader who is threatening all of Europe, especially the nations along its borders. This is doubly unfortunate since Russia stands to benefit from the climate change phenomenon, one of the few countries that does. It’s too bad Putin can’t see his nations advantages and chooses to see only what was during the glory days of the USSR.

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    rickmac1937 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Don’t worry Sleepy will take care like the southern border

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    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Lisa thinks Russia carries more weight than Europe.

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    casonia2  over 2 years ago

    Yes, Lisa! Please tell us how things would be different and better if your hero the Orangeutan were still running things. Oh — I get it — we’d all be Russian “citizens” by now.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    The Biden Administration ordered the evacuation of the families of diplomatic personnel in Ukraine today from the perceived threat of an incoming Russian invasion.

    Monday on the Stew Peters Show, former Trump administration Pentagon official Kash Patel joined the show to discuss the standoff and the geopolitical implications of yet another failed foreign policy debacle under Joe Biden.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Putin sees a weak leader in the US and is using the threat of war to propagate global attention to the weakness and the hypocrisy of the war mongering globalists. Perhaps if we had kept our leverage by dominating energy production and potential exportation, Putin wouldn’t be grenade. No, Biden had to prop up Russia, Russia, Russia’s dominance only to be bit in his diaper. I wonder why?

    The US now finds itself at a critical inflection point, where domestic politics threaten the progress that has been made internationally. Just last month, France brought online fuel oil plants to meet its domestic energy needs, illustrating how dire the situation has become in the country.At this critical moment, our allies look for reliable partners to meet their domestic energy needs, they need to have confidence that America will deliver environmental gains and reliable energy. The women and men of the US oil and natural gas industry are prepared and well positioned to deliver on this commitment, but we need the Biden Administration to make good on its commitments too. Through consistent energy policies that capitalize on the countless benefits of American production, the Administration has a real opportunity to send a clear message to Americans at home and our trading partners in Europe that we will make good on our commitments and ensure energy security, reliability, and affordability. – AXPC

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    svcman98  over 2 years ago

    At least she left the pin in.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Earlier in the interview, Haley ticked through a series of qualms she has with the Biden administration on the international stage.

    “We’re suffering with the fact that, with the fall of Afghanistan, I mean you’ve got anywhere from Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un in North Korea to the Ayatollahs in Iran, they all get what an amazing opportunity this is,” she said. “They know that they’ve never had a weak president like this before. They know they probably never will have another one again, so they are trying to get everything they can.”

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    GiantShetlandPony  over 2 years ago

    Never put all of your eggs in one basket. Especially, if the man holding the basket is a basket case of a dictator.

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    Patjade  over 2 years ago

    Imagine the reaction from the Radical Right if other countries told the US who they could and could not do trade deals with.

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    elvisgirl3  over 2 years ago

    Since this country was founded, we have been reliant on a Merit system & employing the right people with the right skill sets to out do the competition for more effective ways to accomplish our goals. Therefore doing a better job & making more profits, which have benefited us & the World. This has made us the most powerful Nation on the planet & an innovator in many many fields. To which, we have had the Luxury of helping peoples around the Globe in a pathway to better lives. In our attempt to live up a skewed version of the constitution & Hostile Forces that are determined to destroy what we have created have perverted our youth & much of our society. No matter how inane & ignorant you are, do you really think, our forefathers, when forming the Constitution were trying to relay that a man’s worth is Solely in the color of his skin or sexual preference? For those who can still rationalize, we are headed to a Cliff that we will Not survive. With the most most powerful positions filled, over the years, they have figured it was time to strike. Their ruse can only live on X amount of lies till people wake up. With our educational system in the tank the easily lead ignorant herd is easy to guide to the slaughter. With the abysmal academic scores, we are headed towards being a Third World country & will become a two class system & the majority being slaves to the Elite.

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