Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for February 18, 2022

  1. E5851f42 0e5c 43ef 8e96 78396c929e5f
    Copy-&-Paste  about 3 years ago

    Guess you’d call that a “Hole in One and Club in Two.”

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  2. Mmae
    pearlsbs  about 3 years ago

    That’s a crabby crab.

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  3. Coyote
    eromlig  about 3 years ago

    Continuing our Irish bashing theme…

    A man in a pub sees another man drinking alone at the bar. In a hospitable mood, he raises his glass in greeting. “I welcome you here as an Irishman,” he begins.

    “Why, I’m Irish meself!” is the response. “Tell me, where in Ireland are ye from?”

    “County Cork,” the first man answers.

    “That’s amazing! I’m also from County Cork!”

    “But tell me this, now – are ye Catholic or Protestant?”

    “I’m a good Catholic, of course.”

    “Faith and Begorrah! I’m that, too!”

    “And you look to be about my age, too. Are you near 37?”

    “Amazing! I’m that exactly!”

    Just then the phone rings, and the bartender picks it up. “Murphy’s Pub, Murphy speakin’…Oh, not much, just the usual goings-on. The O’Brien twins are here, and they’re drunk again…”

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  4. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 3 years ago

    How high up was the Latvian drone skydiver? Must’ve taken quite some ingenuity to construct a drone to support his weight.

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  5. Cyan
    monkeysky  about 3 years ago

    The scary thing about that skydiving is that if the drone can’t reliably reach the right height, you could easily drop a distance far enough to seriously injure or kill you, but too short to deploy the parachute.

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  6. Bluedog
    Bilan  about 3 years ago

    So, Ingus is technically the creator of Dronediving?

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  7. Avatar92
    Charlie Fogwhistle  about 3 years ago

    There is a new female organ player at a small church. She is a beautiful woman, but there is a problem: her ample bosom is causing an issue with the men in the church.

    While playing the organ, her breasts bounce and sway. Men in the church are getting distracted and many get in trouble with their wives for gazing longingly at her.

    A wise old woman of the church decided to intervene. She comes up to the young lady after services one Sunday and explains the situation. Heartbroken, the beautiful woman asks if anything can be done to remedy the situation.

    The old lady smiles and tells her to go to the store and buy some lemons. “Rub one lemon half on each breast every night before bed, your breasts will shrink but you’ll be able to keep playing.”

    The young woman, relieved, goes away and follows the old woman’s advice.

    The next week, before worship, the pastor steps up to the pulpit, and makes an announcement.

    “Due to thircumstanthes beyond my control, we won’t be having a thermon thith week.”

    Until next time.

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  8. Missing large
    donnagant622  about 3 years ago

    Good one!!

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  9. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  about 3 years ago

    Why must Ripley trigger my fear of heights so?

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  10. Tony sillhouette
    Casey Jones  about 3 years ago

    Must have been one doozy of a bad shot

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  11. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima Premium Member about 3 years ago

    And the crab, Mulligan McDuffer, became a delicious meal at the course 19th Hole Cafe and Bar.

    Take care, may snoozing golf course mower Buzz “Hey! Who Took My Pants?” Ploppord be with you, and gesundheit.

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  12. Beaker
    JDP_Huntington Beach  about 3 years ago

    The rescue reminds me of a story…

    A Russian, a Brit and an American are stuck on a mountain

    While they wait for rescue to arrive, they get together for a meal. As everyone is taking out their kits and prepping, the Russian starts boasting “in the soviet army, they feed us 2000 calories of food a day”

    The Brit turns and scoffs at him, then he says " in the royal army, we are fed 4000 calories of food a day"

    The American waiting for his turns goes and says “in the US Army we are fed 8000 calories a day”

    At that point, the Russian jumps up and yells at the American *“NON SENSE. NO ONE CAN EAT THAT MUCH CABBAGE IN ONE DAY”-


    To the lady at Costco with her son on a leash.

    I’m sorry that I asked, “is he a rescue?”

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  13. Avatar92
    Charlie Fogwhistle  about 3 years ago

    What became of the crab? Here’s one possibility.

    A lawyer boarded an airplane in New Orleans with a box of frozen crabs and asked a blonde flight attendant to take care of them for him. She took the box and promised to put it in the crew’s refrigerator.

    He advised her that he was holding her personally responsible for them staying frozen, mentioning in a very haughty manner that he was a lawyer, and proceeded to rant at her about what would happen if she let them thaw out.

    Needless to say, she was annoyed by his behavior. Shortly before landing in New York, she used the intercom to announce to the entire cabin, “Would the gentleman who gave me the crabs in New Orleans, please raise your hand?”

    Not one hand went up … so she took them home and ate them.

    Until next time.

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  14. Kaioc
    artmer  about 3 years ago

    lousy short game.

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  15. Yakko
    TheBigPickle  about 3 years ago

    And you believed drunk Aussie golfers about that? Pics or it didn’t happen.

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  16. 1
    ncorgbl  about 3 years ago

    Laying 6 in the fairway bunker on the par 4, the crab swore he’d never hit a 2 iron again.

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  17. Bob 1
    moondog42 Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Do they know who Luke Cage is in Australia? Because his famous catchphrase comes to mind: CHRISTMAS!

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  18. Download
    artegal  about 3 years ago

    Did anyone bother to find out if Ingus skydived successfully?

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  19. Missing large  about 3 years ago

    Long since forgotten where I heard this one.

    A double amputee is hitch hiking.

    It’s a miserable,rainy night and he’s soaked and for a long time nobody will stop for him.

    Finally,a Cockney slows down,pulls over to the shoulder;and sticks his head out the driver’s window.

    “’Op in the back seat,mate!You look ’armless!”

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  20. Image002
    hsawlrae  about 3 years ago

    Interestingly, not only was my father, William Wash, born in Corbett Oregon, but my great-grandmother is buried at the Corbett Oregon Pioneer Cemetery. Corbett is a few miles east of Portland.

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  21. Greg backlit
    mindjob  about 3 years ago

    Technically that would be sky dropping, not sky diving.

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  22. Dvincent
    dv1093  about 3 years ago

    OK, the hiking trail rescue – now really, how does THAT rate believing it or not??

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  23. Large starwars65leia
    comicalUser  about 3 years ago

    OK, so, they rescued from the 30 foot fall, but then left her clinging to the root? Those jerks!

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  24. Missing large
    mbakerbr549  about 3 years ago

    I gotta stop reading your jokes while I’m eating or drinking anything!

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