Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for February 11, 2022

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Cannot wait to see the Trump Disciple commentsā€¦

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    GreggW Premium Member about 3 years ago

    The Incredible Sulk

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    Display  about 3 years ago

    Whatā€™s good for the goosesteppers ought to be good for the gander. No more ā€œJust thisā€ or ā€œJust Usā€, itā€™s time for Lady Justice to raise her sword and balance those scales.

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    Space_cat  about 3 years ago

    Oh, how so swiftly has the GOP devolved into the lowest form of knuckle dragging, mouth breathing kind of hate filled incompetence weā€™ve come to expect from them. They all deserve the kind of ultimate fate promised to those who would subvert our democracy!

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  5. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Even nut jobs in Canada are doing it now!!

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    bbenoit  about 3 years ago

    I hope Newt, the hypocritical pervert that he is, is proud of what he sowed. This all started, at least in my lifetime, with guns/god/gays/abortion. Wedge issues chosen to divide us and to get people to vote on emotion and not principal or fact or their own enlightened self-interest. There was a time when the leaders of all parties wisely kept the more extreme elements of their own side at bay, but, since the republicans needed a few more percentage points to be competitive, they started turning over the rocks. Now they canā€™t win without them and they canā€™t control them. If not for the incalculable damage theyā€™re doing to our country it would be fine to watch them disintegrate due to their own actions. At least a few, god forbid, moderate republicans are starting to speak out, but is it too little too late? Is the greatest experiment in democracy doomed to lose to primitive tribalism?

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    Decepticomic  about 3 years ago

    Iā€™m sorry, I canā€™t consider this parody legitimate. He didnā€™t even use a GUN! Is he a REAL american patriot, or a SNOWFLAKE?! USA! USA! USA! USA!

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  8. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 3 years ago

    Mitch McConnell: ā€œWe saw it happen. It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election, from one administration to the next. Thatā€™s what it was.ā€ When even Moscow Mitch can admit to objective reality, thereā€™s a tiny bit of hope there. (Of course, the members of the evil Traitor Trump cult are very unlikely to rejoin reality, but with harsh enough sentences for the mob of traitorsā€”and the inciters of the mobā€”maybe theyā€™ll siddown and shaddup.)

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    shw123  about 3 years ago

    Best thing about a cartoon this good: Waiting for the random numb nut to ā€œappearā€ here in the comments and spinfully explain it all away!

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    Teto85 Premium Member about 3 years ago

    As a descendant of original members of Antifa who fought in WWII in and over Europe and the Pacific, I will be more than happy to do what they did to the fascists to these trumpfluffers. I might be a progressive but that does not mean I donā€™t possess and know how to use firearms.

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    zenyattafan  about 3 years ago

    MAGAts are too obtuse to realize that if the vice president has the right to throw out certain electoral votes, then the last VP before Pence (his name was Joe something) certainly would have thrown out enough of Trumpā€™s votes to hand the win to Hillary ā€” who did, after all, win the popular vote ā€” and their fat orange hero never would have been president at all. And if he runs for president in 2024 and wins, whoā€™s going to be counting the votes? Kamala Harris.

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    randolini Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Does the dumbass that says Trump will pardon him realize that Trump was president for two weeks after the insurrection and didnā€™t pardon squat. Believing Trumps lies will get you in deep doo doo with the law.

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  13. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 3 years ago

    No Trump Disciple comments so farā€¦

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    AndrewSihler  about 3 years ago

    Arenā€™t there actual Publican placards carried in demonstrations & rallies reading ā€œTrump is Jesusā€? Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve seen some (in pictures, I wouldnā€™t dare hang around with actual acolytes). I would think that Christians generally would find that pretty offensive. Indeed, alarming.

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    bxclent  Premium Member about 3 years ago


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    Striped Cat  about 3 years ago

    1/6 was the work of true patriots stopping a fraudulent election authorized by Trumpā€¦

    No Wait!ā€¦Trump and the Trump rally was in no way related to the attack on the capitolā€¦

    No Wait!ā€¦It was Antifaā€¦

    No Wait!ā€¦They were peaceful and it was like a tourā€¦

    No Wait!ā€¦It was Nancy Pelosiā€™s faultā€¦

    No Wait!ā€¦It was BLMā€¦

    No Wait!ā€¦It was an FBI coordinated false flagā€¦

    No Wait!ā€¦ā€˜Legitimate Political Discourseā€™ā€¦

    No Wait!ā€¦It was crisis actorsā€¦

    No Wait!ā€¦They just wanted to talk with their representativesā€¦

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    willie_mctell  about 3 years ago

    Every good cause is worth fighting for even if it means picking fights with random people in the street.

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    BiggerJ  about 3 years ago

    Oh, so thatā€™s where the Overton Window got to. Howā€™d it end up so far to the right? And who leaned it against this big metal German sign?

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    edeevans1947  about 3 years ago

    Pretty much sums up the events post election 2021 & the events on Jan. 6th, 2022!

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