Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for March 15, 2022

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 3 years ago

    what animal does June come in like? perhaps a a South American poison arrow frog?

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    gbars70  almost 3 years ago

    Apart from yesterday’s center panel walk-on and a throw-away line, we haven’t been getting our fill of Dill in the last 5 days or so. Well guess what! For me, I’ve got a fever, and the only prescription for that fever is still… a lot more of Dill!

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    catmom1360  almost 3 years ago

    Well, Petey has a sense of humor. Hope for him yet.

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  4. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    I am not acquainted with the person that wrote this week’s strips in place of Mr. Thompson, “PAINE RT” if I read it correctly. But I very much like that in this specific cartoon, Petey shows a deliberate sense of humor at the expense of his little sister. It is something that Richard Thompson had done with Petey several times over the years, so it’s not as if PAINE RT is trying to influence or alter the character in some way. I think it shows a deft touch in trying to take on another person’s ongoing project, and I’m impressed that he was able to do it.

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  5. Boston
    MS72  almost 3 years ago

    April showers bring…

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    Jeffin Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Green eggs and hamsters for Easter?

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    oakie817  almost 3 years ago

    love sloths…they ae just my speed

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    diskus Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Out west here we are all lambs until late summer when the dragon shows up

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    A.Ficionada  almost 3 years ago

    These animal/month comparisons were always a bit shaky, so nice to see Petey change it up

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    Steverino Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Petey is correct, of course.

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    WCraft Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    So the end of April is “DMV appreciation week?”

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    John Leonard Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    SNL did a great skit on this. Belushi was over the top.

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    jrdub Premium Member almost 3 years ago
    John Belushi:

    Well, another winter is almost over and March true to form has come in like a lion, and hopefully will go out like a lamb. At least that’s how March works here in the United States.

    But did you know that March behaves differently in other countries? In Norway, for example, March comes in like a polar bear and goes out like a walrus. Or, take the case of Honduras where March comes in like a lamb and goes out like a salt marsh harvest mouse.Let’s compare this to the Maldive Islands where March comes in like a wildebeest and goes out like an ant. A tiny, little ant about this big.Unlike the Malay Peninsula where March comes in like a worm-eating fernbird and goes out like a worm-eating fernbird. In fact, their whole year is like a worm-eating fernbird.Or consider the Republic of South Africa where March comes in like a lion and goes out like a different lion. Like one has a mane, and one doesn’t have a mane. Or in certain parts of South America where March swims in like a sea otter, and then it slithers out like a giant anaconda.There you can buy land real cheap, you know. And there’s a country where March hops in like a kangaroo, and stays a kangaroo for a while, and then it becomes a slightly smaller kangaroo. Then, then, then for a couple of days it’s sort of a cross between a, a frilled lizard and a common house cat. (Chevy Chase tries to interrupt him)Wait wait wait wait. Then it changes back into a smaller kangaroo, and then it goes out like a, like a wild dingo. Now, now, and it’s not Australia! Now, now, you’d think it would be Australia, but it’s not!(Chevy Chase tries to interrupt him) Now look, pal! I know a country where March comes in like an emu and goes out like a tapir. And they don’t even know what it means! All right? Now listen, there are nine different countries, where March comes in like a frog, and goes out like a golden retriever. But that- that’s not the weird part! No, no, the weird
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  14. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  almost 3 years ago

    I like when Petey flexes his funny bone, almost exclusively with Alice.

    Gerbil is one of those great words that’s just kinda funny without trying to be.

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    suelou  almost 3 years ago

    Love Petey!! Can’t stand Alice!

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    Sisyphos  almost 3 years ago

    Petey is a wonderful source of tongue-in-cheek misinformation to play mind games with the Little Sister.

    Go Petey, My Hero!

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    JH&Cats  almost 3 years ago

    Lots of new lambs here, just about all through March.

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    Laurie Stoker Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    I’m actually good with those for April.

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