The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for June 10, 2022

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    AllishaDawn  almost 3 years ago

    He only says it’s dumb because he doesn’t know the answer.

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    Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    If Batman, Dracula and Marc Bolan (RIP) had a fight, who would win?

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    wjones  almost 3 years ago

    It’s a dumb question because the only T-rex you will find nowadays is a chicken.

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    zzeek  almost 3 years ago

    You presented Wilberforce a challenge and he met it. Your Challenge now Brutus is to answer it. Good luck with that!

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    Jeff0811  almost 3 years ago

    Just give it your best shot, Brutus, and say it with confidence
, It depends son if they are fighting at night or during the day. If at night, Dracula would win, and they would have the T-Rex for dinner. If during the day, Batman would win, and they would have the T-Rex for dinner. The T-Rex can’t fight because his arms are too short.

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    mischugenah  almost 3 years ago

    The best answer to a question like that is ‘well, who do you think would win?’ and then talk it through with them. It helps build critical thinking skills and makes the kid feel like you care what they think.

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    The Reader Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Certainly NOT that film’s backers!

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    cubswin2016  almost 3 years ago

    It is clear that Batman would win against Dracula because of the movie, but he ruined the question when he added the T-rex.

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    Justanolddude Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    We spend years teaching our children to talk, and then this?

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    ScottMacAskill  almost 3 years ago

    Batman did beat Dracula (The Batman vs Dracula 2005) and a robot T-Rex (episode “Mean Seasons” from the New Batman Adventures)

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    dcdete.  almost 3 years ago

    The question is mute since Dracula would just turn himself into a bat and they wouldn’t fight since bats don’t fight each other but recognize themselves as distant cousins. As for the T-rex they have poor eyesight as stated in Jurassic Park and only come out in the day since they couldn’t see their own hands in front of their face in the dark! Whereas both Batman and Dracula only come out in the dark to fight.

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    preacherman Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Brutus, should’ve said, if I had my druthers, I’d put my money on the T-Rex, for size and ferocity alone.

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    [Traveler] Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Sometimes I respond to questions with “and they say there’s no such thing as a dumb question.”

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    djtenltd  almost 3 years ago

    I’d tell him: “I’ll leave that up to your imagination”.

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    LongWong  almost 3 years ago

    Dracula wins easily.

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    Chris  almost 3 years ago

    never set the standards so low, you might get something unexpected. ;)

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    ChessPirate  almost 3 years ago

    This reminds me of a funny Jackie Chan scene in the movie “The Twins Effect”, where he fights vampires:

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    raybarb44  almost 3 years ago

    Yes Brutus, there are definitely stupid questions asked on a regular basis by so many, as your situation has demonstrated on SO VERY MANY occasions. However, many are made in jest and you have fun with those. Anyway, to the situation at hand, as long as the fight was at nighttime, Dracula wins as he is immortal and he can also fly away. Adios Batman. T Rex is literally the King

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    Buckeye67  almost 3 years ago

    In the first place, knowing Wilberforce, Brutus should never have told him that there are no dumb questions.

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    Moonkey Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Brutus, put down the newspaper and talk out the question with your son even if it seems trivial to you after a long day at work. It won’t be long, and he won’t ask any more and you will be sad. Born Loser status today, with bonus points for at least being home with his son.

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    cuzinron47  almost 3 years ago

    That response just show that he has no imagination.

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    Le'Roy Hawkins  almost 3 years ago

    Given prep time, Batman.

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    KEA  almost 3 years ago

    since dumb means “unable to speak”, the only dumb question is the one one doesn’t ask when they should.

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    goboboyd  almost 3 years ago

    It will depend on which of three movies they make, to highlight each with their own victory. The fan fiction will carry the possibilities of all the combinations. Not to mention the endless ‘graphic novels’.

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    heathcliff2  almost 3 years ago

    Batman would not hurt T Rex, but Dracula would leave him walking dead. Winner depends on your point of view.

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    PaulGoes  almost 3 years ago

    If it’s during the day, the T Rex would win. Batman doesn’t come out during the day and Dracula sucks.

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    gopher gofer  almost 3 years ago

    there are no dumb questions, just dumb kids

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    edeloriea14  almost 3 years ago

    T-rex, natch. I seem to have “Jurassic World” on the brain.

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    wiatr  almost 3 years ago

    Childhood is the time to ask dumb questions.

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    paullp Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Brutus, I think you let a lot of your fans down today.

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    JeromeBlue Premium Member over 2 years ago

    When I was a kid and a teacher and a teacher told us there was no such thing as a dumb question, I took at it as a challenge.

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