Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for June 28, 2022

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    Chithing  over 2 years ago

    I’m glad my parents weren’t like that. I couldn’t imagine having to do math homework in the Summer.

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    LadyPeterW  over 2 years ago

    Mine was worse; summer school every year. They didn’t want me hanging around the house with nothing to do! As if they never looked at what I did! I had 5 girlfriends in my block, we rode bikes, roller-skated, played with Barbies & went swimming. On my own, I walked or roller-skated to the Library & read myself into a stupor & brought home books to read. But, no, they didn’t see those things.

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    rhpii  over 2 years ago

    She thought you needed some exercise, and look you went for a jog!

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    david_42  over 2 years ago

    We attended “Vacation Bible School” for years, until dad decided to change churches and the new one was about ten miles away. They ran a school bus during the school year, but not in the summer. Smelled like freedom.

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    Teto85 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    And that is why the USA is developmentally disabled. Short school year and summers spent flushing everything out so much so that the first quarter of every 1 – 12 school year is spent reviewing was was taught last year.

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    timinwsac Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Looks like grandma got themy away from the TV and out of the house.

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    brick10  over 2 years ago

    Gram knows how to get them outdoors!

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    manowarrior  over 2 years ago

    I never had to go to summer school.thank god! I always looked forward to the last day of school and summer.I went swimming,played video games,watched cartoons and horror movies.i was in a bowling league and spent time in camp.

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    EMGULS79  over 2 years ago

    My school always assigned “summer reading” which was usually about three books. In a typical summer, one or two were something “OK” that wasn’t too bad to read but not one I would have chosen voluntarily, and one was something GAWDAWFUL that led me to ban its author from ever being voluntarily read by me for life (e.g. Mary Renault and her totally unrelatable stories set in the Mummy ages). In a GOOD summer, there were TWO good books in addition to the requisite “gawdawful” one. My school kept us so loaded with homework during the school year it was literally like two full school days every day – they literally expected you to spend at as much time as a class period on doing homework for each class each night. Consequently, I was pretty rebellious when it came to their infringement on my VACATION time. Oh, I did the summer reading, all right – I could honestly say I did it – but I went through it quickly and at the very beginning of vacation in a few days so as to not have it hanging over my neck. By the time school started in the fall I had forgotten most of it and consequently had usually had far less than desirable grades on the summer reading tests….but since that was only one test out of dozens and I applied myself with honor-roll results throughout the entire duration of the school year, it was a small price to pay and well worth it. School and work are important, but vacation time is too – and I defended my vacation and free time as vigorously then as I still do to this day.

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    MIHorn Premium Member over 2 years ago

    My parents owned the school buses for the local school system, and we spent our summers scrubbing out the buses so they were spotless for inspection before the next school year started. We might get $20 to go to the county fair at the end of the summer for two+ months’ work. I never want to set foot in another school bus as long as I live.

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    WF11  over 2 years ago

    My Dad would tease us about school going to a year-around schedule. I used to get really worried about that, and this was in the 1960’s. The thing is, it was never pointed out that year-around school included substantial gaps between each term, like 2 or more weeks between winter and spring, etc. Of course now the kids seem to go back to school by the middle of August, which must be miserable sitting in hot, stuffy classrooms while it is sunny and warm outside (it was always the day after Labor Day that the school year resumed when I was that age). Also, when I took summer school, the school “day” was always over by about 12:30 PM, so we had the afternoon off.

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