“Welcome to Town Cryer’s News at Nine. In today’s headlines, following a collision by two cart owners, a fight broke out involving the twenty-seven accident lawyers they hired …”
"File:Een aanrijding bij de Halpoort te Brussel, SK-A-1020.jpg" site=https://commons.wikimedia.org
(syntax supported by the Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, and Yandex search engines) in the browser address bar (or search for it using one of those search engines) and choose the first File: found, and click its link for info and links that point to more info (best viewed using Google Chrome, with Google Translate added to chrome://extensions, which can automatically translate most webpages if necessary) about this painting.
Again, a larger strip image is shown by (Ctrl- or right-) clicking the image in Mr. Melcher’s MASTERPIECE #2951 (June 29, 2022) blog entry, accessible by the Check out the blog! box after the last comment, and using the dropdown menu (even larger if you trim what’s after .png from the URL). I have added a comment there (awaiting Mr. Melcher’s approval) pointing to some info about this artist. First work, by this artist, used here.
BE THIS GUY over 2 years ago
And both of them refused to take a breathalyzer test.
rmremail over 2 years ago
Put the gun down, Pablo! This isn’t America – they’ll arrest you for waving a gun around
rmremail over 2 years ago
And the Police officer just watched the riot from the bridge,
rmremail over 2 years ago
“We’re South Netherlandish!”, “No, we’re Belgian.” “Say that again and I will cut you!”
ronaldspence over 2 years ago
Opening scene from CSI Antwerp!
Solstice*1947 over 2 years ago
/// A white rope, stretched tight spanning the street,
marks the spot where two hurtling carts meet.
The two cart drivers fight,
both ignoring the plight
of the poor injured girl at their feet.
/// Milk and veggies spill on cobblestones,
near a white horse with three broken bones.
A dog eats what it can
while each woman and man
later grabbed all the rest and then ran.
orinoco womble over 2 years ago
The first laser light show in an urban area caused mayhem.
Jayalexander over 2 years ago
…so he says “No! Your other left moron.”
Zykoic over 2 years ago
Early rave.
jdculhane46 over 2 years ago
In an earlier life, Joe organized a wagon train
Reader over 2 years ago
On the cross street, all the rubber-necking gawkers slowing down to stare caused a five-mile back up.
jel354 over 2 years ago
Updating the Amazon shopping cart was more intensive back then.
MS72 over 2 years ago
I’m sure Tom Cruise did this…
Call me Ishmael over 2 years ago
The O’Casey’s are real “fun” guys/
Though the lads are, at times, unwise../
They resolve their disputes/
With knuckles and boots/
(Hardly anyone actually dies.)
Call me Ishmael over 2 years ago
The O’Murphy’s are more intellectual/
But, regrettably, quite ineffectual/
Their disagreements/
Are far less intense:/
But they’re all thought to be homosexual…
Call me Ishmael over 2 years ago
And though they have Irish names/
And you may think I’m playin’ games/
The shillelaghs they brandish /
Are pure Netherlandish -/
As are also their squat, sturdy dames.///
Call me Ishmael over 2 years ago
A flurry of ethnic slurs/
From Ishmael seldom occurs/
But these brief interludes/
Of the absence of nudes/
His small sense of propriety blurs..
Call me Ishmael over 2 years ago
I’m thinking of writing a sequel/
For I DO believe “all men are equal”/
But I’m strongly inclined/
To believe “womankind”/
Are “the last, best hope of Mankind”.
epaphus8 over 2 years ago
“Welcome to Town Cryer’s News at Nine. In today’s headlines, following a collision by two cart owners, a fight broke out involving the twenty-seven accident lawyers they hired …”
Linguist over 2 years ago
What really goes on behind the scenes in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Another Take over 2 years ago
Nothin’ could be finer / Than to give a bloke a shiner / in the mor-or-ning!
The Wolf In Your Midst over 2 years ago
“You put the casts of Hamilton and Les Misérables on the same stage! What did you think would happen?!”
Tyge over 2 years ago
Chicago on a typical Saturday night, 1865.
mabrndt Premium Member over 2 years ago
A Collision at the Porte de Hal, Brussels:
Paste (including the quote marks)
"File:Een aanrijding bij de Halpoort te Brussel, SK-A-1020.jpg" site=https://commons.wikimedia.org
(syntax supported by the Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, and Yandex search engines) in the browser address bar (or search for it using one of those search engines) and choose the first File: found, and click its link for info and links that point to more info (best viewed using Google Chrome, with Google Translate added to chrome://extensions, which can automatically translate most webpages if necessary) about this painting.
Again, a larger strip image is shown by (Ctrl- or right-) clicking the image in Mr. Melcher’s MASTERPIECE #2951 (June 29, 2022) blog entry, accessible by the Check out the blog! box after the last comment, and using the dropdown menu (even larger if you trim what’s after .png from the URL). I have added a comment there (awaiting Mr. Melcher’s approval) pointing to some info about this artist. First work, by this artist, used here.
Buzzworld over 2 years ago
This is what happens when 2 carts race and try to go thru the tollbooth before the other.
MuddyUSA Premium Member over 2 years ago
Road rage in the 1800’s!
Running Buffalo Premium Member over 2 years ago
Before “Where’s Waldo”, there was “Spot the Bookie”.