Better IS better, even if it’s only a tiny bit better. Though customers tend to get frustrated when the sales “better” is better for THEM, not for the customer.
PS: I smell better than a stink bug AND better than a wet dog. Usually at least… But probably never as good as fresh ground coffee.
I wonder why Jef chose the peony as an example of a fragrant flower. They aren’t particularly noted for their fragrance, and they don’t grow well in much of the US.
I think Jef just enjoys making perversely obscure references.
Erse IS better about 2 years ago
Better IS better, even if it’s only a tiny bit better. Though customers tend to get frustrated when the sales “better” is better for THEM, not for the customer.
PS: I smell better than a stink bug AND better than a wet dog. Usually at least… But probably never as good as fresh ground coffee.
Caldonia about 2 years ago
No. Sense.
Kroykali about 2 years ago
Pick up a stink bug by the antennas. They won’t spray. They will if you grab them by the legs or body.
chromosome Premium Member about 2 years ago
Stink bugs smell like cilantro to me.
T Smith about 2 years ago
Oh, if only brewed coffee tasted half as good as fresh ground coffee smells.
The Wolf In Your Midst about 2 years ago
Stink bugs have a lot of credibility. What they do is right in their name!
Snuffles [Previously Helikitty] about 2 years ago
It’s more like saying you don’t smell as bad as a stink bug.
sandpiper about 2 years ago
Even being termed 1 up from the bottom is a kinda compliment. Not a big one, but still good.
Scott S about 2 years ago
Just don’t plant peonies near the house. Unless an invasion of ants is something you enjoy.
Stephen Gilberg about 2 years ago
C.S. Lewis pointed out that worshiping God amounts to saying, “Hey, better than Satan,” which is a very weak but allegedly adequate compliment.
Bilan about 2 years ago
One day, Caulfield and Mrs Olsen will admit they admire each other. Some day.
rasputin's horoscope about 2 years ago
I wonder why Jef chose the peony as an example of a fragrant flower. They aren’t particularly noted for their fragrance, and they don’t grow well in much of the US.
I think Jef just enjoys making perversely obscure references.