Mike du Jour by Mike Lester for January 17, 2023

  1. Mm wp001
    allen@home  about 2 years ago

    Yeah that would be very important information.

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  2. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Oh good. We can get together and have a Yodelfest!

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  3. Comics 2022
    Milady Meg  about 2 years ago

    Or is he the inventor of the electric kazoo? https://www.gocomics.com/theargylesweater/2023/01/17

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  4. P1000380
    A# 466  about 2 years ago

    Sometimes I will field a request for my opinion of someoneā€™s prospective house purchase. With only a bit of humor, I tell them to look for a coal chute. If the house doesnā€™t have one (and/or has endured several ā€œremodelingā€ invasions), I tell them that person(s) to pass. If it does, and it has endured minimal or no remodeling, itā€™s old enough to be competently built from good quality materials. I also suggest that the sewer lateral be ā€œcamera-edā€ prior to purchase, too, even if the prospective buyer has to pay for that work. In my experience original construction work in old houses is competent; but remodeling work, being more difficult, is a 12 lane highway to all sorts of short-cuts and errors and stupid improvisations.

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  5. Jim and janet bridge selfie
    jandjdevore  about 2 years ago

    Good thoughts, thanks!

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  6. Boston
    MS72  about 2 years ago

    Accordions, drums, acid rock, etc.

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  7. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Last weekend I had tickets to go see Timmy, the Yodeling Shetland Pony.

    Unfortunately, Timmy has to cancel. He was a little hoarse.

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  8. Img 4401
    Zebrastripes  about 2 years ago

    Now THAT would be a real annoyanceā€¼ļøā˜¹ļø

    Sybel would come out, methinksā€¼ļø

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  9. Missing large
    wellis1947 Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Actually, the best way to see if youā€™d like ā€œcondominiumā€ living is to move into an apartment for a few months ā€“ thereā€™s really little difference between the two since ā€œcondosā€ often started out life as ā€œapartmentsā€.

    One of the best factors involved in buying a condominium is that, by the time you have the money and desire to invest in one- youā€™re old enough to need ā€œhearing aidsā€ ā€“ a hearing aid ā€œvolumeā€ control is a precious gift when dealing with neighbors.

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