If you don’t let the poor read and understand critical race theory, they will not see and understand how the rich have been using and repressing them from the very beginning! That is why the rich allows drugs to flow in this country, drugged out people will not turn on the rich and demand jobs that have better than survival wages and justice where everyone is treated the same!
The sign should’a said ID Art Museum. That would’ve stopped any attack. And there’s a little truth in the sign in that the king is the only one able to afford art.
As the saying goes “The Truth Hurts”. But then the Republicans were led by Trump who would not know the truth if it kicked him in the butt. Denying the truth does not make it go away, denying it only makes the desire to know the truth even stronger.
There’s a portion of downtown neighborhood which is designated as a Historical District. There was one property owner who painted his home a shade of mauve and people were aghast at the fact. There are no codes or HOA for the district but the reactions were priceless leading me to refer to it for a short while as the hysterical district.
Ah, Portland Oregon, where among many other intentionally damaged and charred buildings was the Oregon Historical Society’s office, in October 2020 and again in April 2021. Good ole ‘mostly peaceful protests’. The city still hasn’t recovered.
Botulism Bob almost 2 years ago
If the Huns have their way, the entire kingdom will soon be history.
Doug K almost 2 years ago
Some people just don’t respect history.
The dude from FL Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Sorta like the USA, seems we want to erase our history because the facts offend people. Everybody gets offended
Grandma Lea almost 2 years ago
If you don’t let the poor read and understand critical race theory, they will not see and understand how the rich have been using and repressing them from the very beginning! That is why the rich allows drugs to flow in this country, drugged out people will not turn on the rich and demand jobs that have better than survival wages and justice where everyone is treated the same!
yip yip yip almost 2 years ago
The Hun’s are only trying to help. They need some rubble to make it look historic. Yip yip yip yip yip
preacherman Premium Member almost 2 years ago
The sign should’a said ID Art Museum. That would’ve stopped any attack. And there’s a little truth in the sign in that the king is the only one able to afford art.
Count Olaf Premium Member almost 2 years ago
They study the history of ID Cards?
Goat from PBS almost 2 years ago
Pretty soon, Id will be history.
DawnQuinn1 almost 2 years ago
As the saying goes “The Truth Hurts”. But then the Republicans were led by Trump who would not know the truth if it kicked him in the butt. Denying the truth does not make it go away, denying it only makes the desire to know the truth even stronger.
Zebrastripes almost 2 years ago
The DONT care about no stinkin sign!
Frank Burns Eats Worms almost 2 years ago
You ruse, you lose.
Just-me almost 2 years ago
There’s a portion of downtown neighborhood which is designated as a Historical District. There was one property owner who painted his home a shade of mauve and people were aghast at the fact. There are no codes or HOA for the district but the reactions were priceless leading me to refer to it for a short while as the hysterical district.
ladykat almost 2 years ago
Gallant effort.
Holden Awn almost 2 years ago
Ah, Portland Oregon, where among many other intentionally damaged and charred buildings was the Oregon Historical Society’s office, in October 2020 and again in April 2021. Good ole ‘mostly peaceful protests’. The city still hasn’t recovered.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 2 years ago
“These barbarians are acting like barbarians!!”
David_the_CAD almost 2 years ago
sadly, a historic designation does very little to actually protect buildings.
Mediatech almost 2 years ago
Watch out for those Society of Creative Anachronism people, they can be vicious.
Angry Indeed Premium Member almost 2 years ago
The Huns follow Henry Ford’s belief – history is bunk.