Epcot was originally conceived by Walt Disney during the early development of Walt Disney World, as an experimental planned community that would serve as a center for American enterprise and urban living. Known as “EPCOT”, an acronym for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, the idea included an urban city center, residential areas, industrial areas, schools, and a series of mass transportation systems that would connect the community. After Disney’s death in 1966, the “EPCOT” concept was abandoned, as the company was uncertain about the feasibility of operating a city.
There was a similar globe at Montreal Expo 1967. It’s still there and is used as a museum dedicated to the environment.
Same for the building called Habitat, which was considered a model of apartment building styles of the future. Still exists and still operating, but have not heard of attempts to duplicate its unique style and construction anywhere.
That’s unfortunate because what is being built in central VA now looks a great deal like ‘early prison’ architecture. Slab panels in dark red, black, white, gray, offset with dull steel or aluminum rails and trim, no balconies. All that’s needed are window bars to complete the ensemble. UGLY!!
Never heard of Epcot??? Fortunately there was no reference to the big metal globe that stood at entrance to the 1962 Worlds Fair. It still stands in Flushing NY.
oldthang almost 2 years ago
I had to look up Epcot.
Enter.Name.Here almost 2 years ago
Metal clubs and dimpled balls in the stone age. The B.C. universe is a fickle one.
kbyrdleroy123 almost 2 years ago
How’s that fast service for you?
Farside99 almost 2 years ago
No, I ordered Titleist? Did the delivery get mixed up again?
Doug K almost 2 years ago
It’s a special Easter egg that was poorly “delivered” … and late.
silberdistel almost 2 years ago
:-D he sure looks good with this posture and expression on his face.
What’s his name again? He’s not Peter and not Clumsy- that’s as far as I can remember.
Count Olaf Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Same day delivery, too.
Kidon Ha-Shomer almost 2 years ago
Epcot was originally conceived by Walt Disney during the early development of Walt Disney World, as an experimental planned community that would serve as a center for American enterprise and urban living. Known as “EPCOT”, an acronym for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, the idea included an urban city center, residential areas, industrial areas, schools, and a series of mass transportation systems that would connect the community. After Disney’s death in 1966, the “EPCOT” concept was abandoned, as the company was uncertain about the feasibility of operating a city.
The Orange Mailman almost 2 years ago
When Amazon delivers they just drop it and walk away. They don’t even knock on your door.
blakerl almost 2 years ago
She ordered a golf ball, in a minute you will get a visit from the golf club and it’s nothing like the mickey-mouse club.
sandpiper almost 2 years ago
There was a similar globe at Montreal Expo 1967. It’s still there and is used as a museum dedicated to the environment.
Same for the building called Habitat, which was considered a model of apartment building styles of the future. Still exists and still operating, but have not heard of attempts to duplicate its unique style and construction anywhere.
That’s unfortunate because what is being built in central VA now looks a great deal like ‘early prison’ architecture. Slab panels in dark red, black, white, gray, offset with dull steel or aluminum rails and trim, no balconies. All that’s needed are window bars to complete the ensemble. UGLY!!
wongo almost 2 years ago
Why is the golf ball egg shaped?
jango almost 2 years ago
Never heard of Epcot??? Fortunately there was no reference to the big metal globe that stood at entrance to the 1962 Worlds Fair. It still stands in Flushing NY.
Zebrastripes almost 2 years ago
A near miss
Thomas Overbeck Premium Member almost 2 years ago
That’s the Wish.com Epcot. :P
mindjob almost 2 years ago
Too bad it wasn’t successful. It sure was more attractive than new housing developments I see going up now
angmgre2 almost 2 years ago
The Disney kid in me is grinning at this
hagarthehorrible almost 2 years ago
Amazon delivers, indeed, once the dough is put through.
zeexenon almost 2 years ago
Understood, but D- on my funny scale. Unless, perhaps it’s dimples made it easier for Disney to roll it to it’s mounting venue.
yip yip yip almost 2 years ago
I alway thought they needed a golf club next to the Epcot ball. Yip yip yip yip yip
[Unnamed Reader - db2a4e] almost 2 years ago
I Go Pogo almost 2 years ago
It’s a small world after all.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 2 years ago
Epcot would be very old for them. Might be ruins.