Young people think they will live forever. Us old people know better. The closer we get the more careful we have to be. We aren’t as quick, strong and unbreakable any more.
“And even if it is a shame to waste young lives behaving this way, it is definitely cooler than risking old lives behaving this way. I mean, so what if some fifty-eight year-old [person] gets a load on and starts playing Death Race 2000 in the rush-hour traffic jam? What kind of chance is he taking? He’s just waiting around to see what kind of cancer he gets anyway. But if young, talented you , with all of life’s possibilities at your fingertips, you and the future Cheryl Tiegs there, so fresh, so beautiful — if the two of you stake your handsome heads on a single roll of the dice in life’s game of stop-the-semi — now that’s taking chances! Which is why old people rarely risk their lives. It’s not because they’re chicken — they just have too much dignity to play for small stakes.”
Physically, we start to respect our limits. Financially, we want to live well and leave something for our legacy. Socially, on one hand we learn to let people live and on the other, cease to give a fig for the opinions of idiots.
Depends on who the risk affects. Just the risk taker, fine. Someone who has not agreed to a risk not so fine. Someone who sees the risk go wrong, again not so fine. The person who runs a red light and risks a crash or runs into someone else doesn’t just affect their life but the life of the other person, also everyone that sees the crash and the aftermath.
Pickled Pete 6 months ago
Every day they better realize the finality of daily life…
Olddog1 6 months ago
Young people think they will live forever. Us old people know better. The closer we get the more careful we have to be. We aren’t as quick, strong and unbreakable any more.
ObiJoan 6 months ago
Those who get braver, too brave, may not get very old.
VT8/VF84 6 months ago
“Old Man” Neil Young
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 6 months ago
“And even if it is a shame to waste young lives behaving this way, it is definitely cooler than risking old lives behaving this way. I mean, so what if some fifty-eight year-old [person] gets a load on and starts playing Death Race 2000 in the rush-hour traffic jam? What kind of chance is he taking? He’s just waiting around to see what kind of cancer he gets anyway. But if young, talented you , with all of life’s possibilities at your fingertips, you and the future Cheryl Tiegs there, so fresh, so beautiful — if the two of you stake your handsome heads on a single roll of the dice in life’s game of stop-the-semi — now that’s taking chances! Which is why old people rarely risk their lives. It’s not because they’re chicken — they just have too much dignity to play for small stakes.”
nul bit Premium Member 6 months ago
Old people can say, “Been there, done that.”
Ontman 6 months ago
Some do.
pheets 6 months ago
Cos by then, we know better… of some things..
KEA 6 months ago
Ada Quonsett: When you get to be older, there isn’t a lot left to be frightened of. (Airport)
grange Premium Member 6 months ago
Physically, we start to respect our limits. Financially, we want to live well and leave something for our legacy. Socially, on one hand we learn to let people live and on the other, cease to give a fig for the opinions of idiots.
charles9156 6 months ago
great question!
Thehag 6 months ago
Depends on who the risk affects. Just the risk taker, fine. Someone who has not agreed to a risk not so fine. Someone who sees the risk go wrong, again not so fine. The person who runs a red light and risks a crash or runs into someone else doesn’t just affect their life but the life of the other person, also everyone that sees the crash and the aftermath.
LJZ Premium Member 6 months ago
With age comes wisdom.