Crabgrass by Tauhid Bondia for May 20, 2023

  1. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    So…First they get the winning numbers (and a few hints on the care and building a time machine), and with the money buy the parts needed to build a time machine (and maybe a few newspapers to get the winning numbers). Of course, since you have to be of legal age to buy a lottery ticket (and cash it in), perhaps it might be a good idea to start the planning stage while you wait.

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  2. Stpatshat  1
    leopardglily  almost 2 years ago

    Me and a lot of my friends would promise each other that if any of us ever invented a time machine, we would go back in time to that exact moment. No future friends ever showed up.

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  3. Idano
    Ida No  almost 2 years ago

    I hate my future self SOOooo much. He’s decided to keep it all for himself, and now I can’t afford to make the machine.

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  4. Missing large
    rickicker  almost 2 years ago

    Okay. So. I know I defended Miles’ naivete last time. But upon further study, there appears to be a fine thin line between naivete and just plain foolishness.

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  5. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  almost 2 years ago

    And how do you plan to build this Time Machine?

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  6. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Even after they discovered that information COULD be transferred faster than light, or against the flow of time, they found that there was still a restriction against transferring anything that could actually be useful.

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  7. Th
    Code the Enforcer  almost 2 years ago

    Like the ol’ song went:

    ’ An – ticipation! ’ … :)

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  8. Watermelon avv
    car2ner  almost 2 years ago

    We had family living in Japan, which is about 12 hours ahead of us. I figured that it was far enough into the future that he could give us winning lottery numbers. But it never worked out

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  9. Img 20230721 103439220 hdr
    kaffekup   almost 2 years ago

    Here’s what happened: they invented the time machine and went back with the lottery numbers.

    The kids got so rich they didn’t bother to invent the time machine, and will never go back to give themselves the numbers….

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  10. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  almost 2 years ago

    That’s rich!

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